12th Doctor X Reader

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You go out for the  night and getting incredibly drunk, the Doctor finds you later in a disgusting situation

(B/F/N)=best friends name

I'd received a message from (B/F/N) asking if I wanted to meet up and go out for the night, I immediately responded yes as I hadn't seen her/him in ages. I couldn't help but wonder what he/she had been up to in the last couple of months, the last time I saw her was when I still dated my cheating ex (e/n) and that also happened to be around about the same time I met the Doctor.

I skipped out of my room and begun to look for the Doctor, I knew where he would be as he didn't seem to leave the main entrance and control room of the Tardis.

"Doctor," I called in a singsong voice as I turned the last corner into the main room, my eyes caught the Doctor immediately. 

He was tinkering away at some sort of thing that I chose not to question, I couldn't help but smile at the man and his wild grey hair.

"What is it (y/n)?" he asked as he turned to face me, gizmo in hand. I squint my (e/c) eyes at the thing and then at the Doctor, he rolled his eyes and placed the machine on the control panel.

"I was wondering if you could take me home?" I asked with a smile, the Doctors face fell and he looked sadder then usual. I tilted my head in confusion as I studied the man to see what could have made him so upset, then it hit me.

"Probably should've phrased that better. Could you take me home for the night?" the Doctor visibly perked up and gave me a quick nod.

-time skip-

I applied my (f/c) lipstick and fluffed my (h/l),(h/c) curls that fell over my shoulders. Damn I looked good in (f/c).

I smoothed out my halter neck dress and slipped into my overly high heels which were definitely gonna cause some problems later. Checking the mirror one more time I had finally decided that I was ready to leave and went to seek the Doctor.

"(y/n), I have landed the Tardis in your garden." the doctor stated bluntly as he continued to mess with the gizmo from earlier.

"Thank you, Doc" I said as I gave him a side hug, he stiffened.

"No hugs, stop it," he groaned as I hugged him tighter..

I giggled and sauntered to the Tardis door and gave the Doctor a small wave as I exited the blue box.

-time skip numero dos-

(b/f/n) screamed as she saw me and ran to give me one of her bone crushing but warm hugs, I giggled at her childish antics and hugged her back equally as hard.

Grabbing my hand she pulled me inside a club I didn't recognise but instantly fell in love with.

Neon lights danced around the room and reflected off of the glass panels and marble bars, a DJ stood atop of a stage surrounded with speakers and more light machines. Men and women danced with each other and made out anywhere possible, hungry and lustful eyes scoped the crowd of horny and most likely single people to find their next one night stand.

It was loud and dark despite the light show, I could hear people singing as I walked past them and their friends, a smile made its way to my face as I took in the blissful atmosphere around me.

(b/f/n) lead me to a bar and order a "Hellishly Alcoholic Drink" as she liked to call it, in return she received 2 very large glasses with a mixture of anything an everything.

I took a sip and instantly scrunched my face up. Whatever the hell was in that glass was definitely "hellish" but I still took another sip and then another until the glass was empty and I ordered another.

I smiled as (b/f/n) told me of the last few months of her life, apparently she had found a man and her sister had gotten married. I lied when she asked me what I had been up to, well I said I had been travelling which wasn't really a lie but it still felt wrong for her/him to not know the full truth.

Her/His face fell part way through telling me of her fathers birthday, I followed her eyes to see what she was looking at. It was my ex, great.

I turned and hoped to god he didn't see me but unlucky for me he did, perfect.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to face (e/n), he was clearly drunk and when he was drunk he was violent. He smiled at me and the at (b/f/n), she/he flipped him off and continued to drink from her little glass of hell.

"Hey (y/n), where've you been?" he slurred, his eyes unfocused and his body swaying.

I rolled my eyes, "Away from you douche bag. Leave me alone" I said sharply but with a smile on my face, there was no way I was going to let him ruin my night.

He huffed angrily and his eyes turned dark and threatening but he just gave me a creepy smile and sauntered off to probably find his next target.

I grabbed my glass and downed its contents, I asked for another and took my phone out to tell the Doctor i'd be home within the next hour.

-yet another time skip because I'm lazy- 

I looked at my hone and decide it was time to go. I hugged (b/f/n) goodbye and drunkenly stumbled out of the club and to where I hoped the Tardis was parked.

I could hear footsteps following behind me but chose to ignore them as in my intoxicated state I couldn't sense any danger. I was suddenly grabbed and pushed into a hard brick wall, my hands pinned above my head. An aching erupted in my skull as I came back to my senses slightly, I looked up at my attacker to find (e/n).

"Let me go!" I screamed, fear controlling my body.

He laughed as I struggled in his grasp, his lips forcefully connected to mine as he put another hand on my waist. Tears streamed down my face as I tried to get away but it was no use, he was too strong and he was dangerous. His tongue rammed its way into my mouth and his hand reached up to cup my breast, I shook as I felt him smile against my lips. A hand made its way up my dress and rested on my ass, his fingers resting near a place I hoped he wouldn't go. I was wrong. He forced his fingers inside me, causing a shriek to escape my lips. He laughed again as he connected his lips to my neck and suck and bit hard, drawing blood.

I couldn't do anything but cry as he assaulted me. He begun to pull down his trousers when I heard a familiar voice, "Don't you dare!" shouted the Doctor, his voice boomed as his tone turned more and more threatening.

(e/n) turned towards the Doctor and laughed as he studied the scot infront of him.

"What are you going to do ,old man," (e/n) slurred. 

The Doctor looked at (e/n) then at my broken expressions as I sat in a tearful heap on the ground. He walked forward and held something out to my assaulter, "Come near her again and i'll kill you," he said in a scarily calm voice.

The gadget in his hand flew forward and struck him in the neck, (e/n) instantly fell forward and I guessed he was unconscious.

The doctor rushed over to me and helped me to my feet, I wrapped my arms around his neck and cried into his shoulder. His arms wrapped around my waist as he spoke soothing words to my shaking form. He picked me up and carried me back to the Tardis, the Doctor placed me in my bed and kissed my forehead. He went to leave my room but I reached out and grabbed his wrist.

"Please stay," I whispered, my voice broken and strained.

He nodded and climbed into my bed next to me. I leant my head on his chest and listened to the soothing beat of one of his hearts, his arms encircled my waist as he pulled me close. The Doctor silently vowed to never let you go again.

(This is unedited so sorry for any grammar mistakes or perspective mistake)

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