9th Doctor X Reader

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Requested by @RMH4567 -  The doctor gets jealous when someone keeps flirting with you whilst on an adventure, Part 1 of 2

You lean against the control panel, your eyes following the Doctor who flicks switches as he travels to a mystery location as perusal.

He looks into your (e/c) eyes as he pulls the final lever, launching you into what could be a different era or even a whole new solar system.

You smile as you grab onto the closest railing to steady yourself, the TARDIS throwing itself in every direction possible.

The Doctor falls back as the TARDIS suddenly lurches forward, his back connected with the hard floor with a loud thump.

You laugh loudly at the Doctor as he playfully glares at you.

When the TARDIS finally comes to a halt, the Doctor stands and walks over to you. He stands right infront of you, his warm breath fanning your face.

You blush slightly at the closeness of your bodies and look away quickly to cover it up.

" Ready for an adventure? " asks the Doctor as his eyes bore into you with a stare which sent warm shivers down your spine.

You look into his eyes once more, an excited smile plastered on your face.

" Aren't I always, " you chirp and begin to scamper towards the blue door which would lead you to the unknown.

-- Time skips brought to you by Torchwood --

You stood upon Earth but a couple hundred years in the future.

Not much had changed except for the lack of people and the strange purple tint to the natural clear waters.

You gazed around at your home planet, taking in what you guessed was York. 

The Doctor watched as your eyes lit up with the familiar yet unfamiliar sights, he smiled to himself as he listened to your excited remarks about coming her as a child or how you used to stay her with your gran.

You took the Doctors hand and pull him towards York. A strange chill came over you as you walked into the town, it was as you remembered but it was so silent.

So empty.

You could only see a few people on the street and all the houses and buildings were blacked out.

Your eyes caught the Doctors as he was also looking around in confusion.

" Where is everyone? " you ask, disappointment was evident in your voice.

Just once you like a calm and peaceful adventure, not one which included putting your life on the line or possibly getting captured. You know the usual.

" That is a fantastic question, (y/n) " said the Doctor, his voice full of curiosity.

You rolled your eyes at his lack of seriousness. His child like manner showing at the worst time possible which is well, always.

The Doctor pulled you further down the road and into a large open space framed by old brick buildings. 

You silently reminisce with a smile on your face as you remember your gran taking you for ice cream at a small shop on that exact street every Tuesday afternoon. You'd get 2 scoops of (F/F) and she'd get a tub of Vanilla.

" What are you smiling about. We could be walking to our death right now and you're smiling, " questioned the Doctor, his voice quiet.

" First of all, you're a giant man child who got excited the second this place could be dangerous. Second of all I was thinking about my gran, " you reply sassily.

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