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The Doctor runs down the street, his legs struggling to keep him up as they flail beneath him. Daleks shoot their deadly beams at his back, missing him by inches when he turns the corner to Trafalgar Square. He comes to a halt when he see's a woman infront of him, guns in hand, shooting at the Daleks with beams that match theirs. She spins on her heel, her (h/c) hair flipping along with her body.

The last Dalek explodes as she shoots it, a smile on her face as she inspects her work. The Doctor eyes are laced with tears as he takes in the girl her thought he had lost forever, she hadn't changed a bit except for a hair cut and maybe a little bit of aging but that was it. She was still perfect. (y/n) was the most perfect woman he had ever met in his life and the day she was supposed to of died had hurt him more than anything else he had ever endured.

"EXTERMINATE" Daleks screeched behind him, the sound of their enraged voice pulling the Doctor out of his day dream. (y/n) turned to him, no expression on her face. He didn't know why he felt hurt by her not recognising him, he knew fine well she hadn't seen him since he wore leather and had rather big ears. She looked behind him and raised her gun.

"Duck!" she shouted as the Dalek finally rounded the corner, with ease she killed every single salt shaker coming towards them. The Doctor smiled as he heard her voice, even when enraged she sounded angelic.

He looked up at her, the smile still plastered on his face, causing her to cock her eyebrow as she looked down at him. Without thinking the Doctor ran to her, embracing her in a tight hug. (y/n) stood there stunned, unable to move as the stranger hugged her.

"I thought you were dead, you were dead for 6 years. I thought it killed you," the Doctor rambled as you looked at him with wide eyes. You couldn't believe it, the Doctor was hugging you, he never hugged anyone. Well that wasn't the surprising part, he was here and by the looks of it he had changed. His eyes were green and instead of leather he wore tweed, his hair was long and dark, he looked happier then before.

"You've changed." you whispered as you snake your arms around his waist, burying your face into his shoulder.

"You haven't, well except for the guns and being alive." the Doctor said with a small chuckle. You frown as you pull away, the Doctors face fell as he saw you were no longer happy.

"Whats wrong?" he asks, his face full of worry.

"Doc, I did die. Remember? I was shot, the Daleks got me the day Rose looked into the heart of the Tardis.Now listen to me, you need to find Amy. She's a good person and she needs you like i needed you, go help her, save her." you say sternly though tears filled you eyes. It was true, you had died. In the Doctors time line you had died but in yours you were very much alive but if he knew that the world would collapse in on itself and life would end.

It hurt you so much to watch the man you loved breakdown every time he found you and you had to tell him you were dead, the time line was confusing and it would be even harder to say how you knew you had died but thats the way your life was. A constant jumble of timey wimey bull shit and repeated heart break.

(Sorry the ending is really abrupt and shit) (not edited)

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