Christmas Special Numero Uno

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The Doctor giggled like a school girl as he looked at the christmas lights hanging from various places in the Tardis control room, the reds, yellows and greens flash like faulty traffic lights but the Doctor didn't seem to mind, he was too excited.

The look on your best friends face makes you smile, he hadn't been this happy since he received mail. You didn't know that he liked christmas so much, he always seemed to busy to appreciate the winter holiday but he had proved you wrong.

"(y/n), look at this tinsel." He shoves the threaded, scratchy material in your face, his eyes seemed to get bigger as he looked at it. "Its Tardis blue!"

You didn't  know a man could squeal quite so high. 

"Uh, yeah. It's very blue." you say, trying to remain as enthusiastic as possible despite the fact that the dusty decorations were messing with your allergies, making you sneeze every couple of minutes.

The Doctor frowns, "Very blue? VERY BLUE?" he all but shouts, "This isn't just blue, (y/n). This is Tardis blue, it matches the tree."

"You're tree is blue?"

He nods, his eyes peering at you with the innocence of a small child. 

"Tardis blue," he whispers, his face edging closer to yours, "Not blue, Tardis blue," He jumps back and bangs into the control console, knocking a box off of it and onto the floor, its contents spilling out.

It's contents being blue baubles.

"Doc, do you have any other colour of decorations?" you ask as you crouch down, scooping a handful of glittery baubles into your hand.

He shakes his head.

You sigh, at least blue is your favourite colour.

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