You's Confess

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The Doctor had cooked you dinner which he had never done before and had set a table which you were sure he had never attempted before.

He was acting odd and seemed shy which was unusual for him, he was always loud and sarcastic.

"Are you ok, Doctor?" you ask with a reassuring smile.

"Uh, yes. Fantastic even." he responded quickly.

You cock an eyebrow at the man and watch him as he fumbles with a napkin, you rest your hand on his with the hope he'd tell you the truth. He blushed and looked up at you, his eyes looking straight into yours.

"I really like you (y/n)," he said softly. You smiled as you finally found your feelings were reciprocated.

"I really like you too,Doctor"


The Doctor hadn't meant to admit his feeling but he accidentally let it slip whilst he was trying to get you back from a hostage situation.

"I swear if you hurt her I will kill you," the doctor screamed.

"Does the Doctor have a soft spot for a little human?" your captor asks.

"Soft spot? I have more then a bloody soft spot, I love the girl!" he shouted angrily.

Your head snaps up and you make eye contact with the Doctor, you give him a smile as his eyes go wide.

"I wasn't supposed to say that,"


To be brief, he literally grabbed your face and shouted "I really like you, like I think I May love you!" and then ran off to a far corner of the Tardis.

"I think I may love you too!" you shout back.


You had just received a call from your brother telling you that you were now an auntie. You squeal with joy and run out of your room to find the Doctor and tell him the news.

He stood at the control panel, muttering something incoherent to your ears.

You rush over to him and hug him from behind, he tenses before relaxing into your touch.

"Your lucky I love you," he muttered quietly, obviously hoping you couldn't hear him.

"I love you too," you whisper back and then finally remember what you came here to tell him in the first place.

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