Captains Sister

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You pace your room, worry clouding your better judgement. Jack hadn't been back in over a month and he hadn't contacted you in a week, he always made sure to give you a call every Monday, it was now Friday and you still hadn't got a phone call.

What if he was dead? Knowing Jack he had got himself into some form of trouble and as perusal you were going to have to find him and bring him home.

If you were lucky he would be wearing his watch, after this had happened the first time you had put a sort of tracker in it but the sort of part is were its important. It told you timezone and exact location, so if he was in the 45th century again you'd be able to get to him, best part was it connect to your own watch so you didn't really need to put a bunch of work into it either.

Amongst your thrown about things you find the watch and your jacket, you slip both of them on and grab your black combat boots.

"Bit of an odd place Jacky boy," you say as you look at the destination on your watch, "Oh well, Satellite 5 here I come."

------Time skip------

"No like I Said, Face. Off" said some form of Robot as you came to a halt behind her in a room  that was completely white except for the clothes in the corner and parts of the robots themselves.

You shake your head and pull your gun from its holster, "Not today ladies." upon pulling the trigger their heads blow, revealing a very naked brother.

You spin on your heels, covering your face with your hands, "Clothes. Now." Jack chuckles and shuffles about for a bit.

After a few minutes Jack taps your shoulder, "Why are you here?" he asks, his 'big brother' tone now in use. You weren't allowed to come with Jack, he didn't like the idea of you running about with him when most of the time he gets shot at.

Suddenly the floor becomes very interesting, "You didn't call, I worry." you whisper with a sigh, Jack frowns and pull you into a hug.

"Sorry, been busy." he pulls away to look at you, "How did you know where I was?"

A sheepish look graces your face, "I put a tracker on your watch," you mumble. Jack cocks an eye brow. "I said I put a tracker on your watch ok." you say as you turn around, looking for a way out of this god forsaken room. Jack sighs but doesn't say anything and helps you look for a way out.

----time skip again----

Turns out Jacks been travelling with some guy called the Doctor and his companion Roses in a little blue box called the Tardis, at first you thought he was drunk but Jack didn't seem to be able to get any form of affect from alcohol. Lucky bastard.

You roll your eyes as jack continues to talk about everything he's done in the last month, you would tell him what you've done but he made you stay in a room with no door so you couldn't leave like last time. Although you saved his life AGAIN, he still said it was too dangerous.

"Doctor!" he shouts, causing you to jump. You look at the man Jack was shouting at, he looked to be between his late 30's and early 40's and he wore a leather jacket with a hideous green jumper.

The man runs over, mumbling something about this Rose, he didn't seem to notice you were there. Jack nods and runs off in the direction the Doctor told him to, you follow behind, not bothering to run because if you were been honest you didn't really care all that much.

You round the corner to the room the boys had entered, a robot shot at who you could only assume to be Rose, turning her into nothing. The Doctor stepped backwards, pain evident on his face.

You run up to Jack, "Was that her?" he nods, "shit." The Doctor looks over to Jack, both of them trying to hold back tears. He looks to the right of Jack, finally catching a glimpse of you. Jack notices the Doctors confusion.

"Oh, this is (y/n), my sister." You hold out your hand for him to shake, he takes it.

"I'm the Doctor." he says with a forced smile which you return.

"What do you two say to getting Rose back because I can tell you now that girl ain't dead." you say, pulling the Doctor and Jack out of the room and towards what you could only hope was a control room.


Was supposed to be for the 9th Doctor but was more Jack, oh well.

Also sorry this is bad but i should be posting the second part to A Handful Of Feathers And A Custard Cream later tonight, to make up this major failing of an imagine.

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