Baby We're Having A Baby

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You enter the control room, your eyes instantly landing on your husband who leaned against the Tardis' console. He smiles as he see's you coming towards him but frowns when you don't smile back.

"Whats wrong?" he asks, his arms instantly wrapping themselves around you.

You smile slightly into his shoulder, "I have something to tell you, Jack thinks you'll be fine with it and I...well I don't know."

"What do you have to tell me?" he asks, pulling back ever so slightly so he can see you.

You look down at your feet, "I'm pregnant."

The Doctor tilts your head up to look at him, "That's fantastic!" he pulls you back in to his chest.

"Really?" you ask surprised even though you already knew the Doctor wanted children.

"Yes you idiot. I'm gonna be a dad, you're going to be a mum." he presses a kiss to your forehead, "It's fantastic."

Your arms wrap around his neck, "Your right, it is going to be fantastic."


The Doctor knocks on the bathroom door, startling you out of your shock induced trance.

"(y/n), I can hear your crying from out here, whats wrong?" the Doctor asks softly, you sigh and back away from the door knowing that he would sonic his way in when you didn't open the door for him.

"We need to talk." you say quietly, your eyes landing on the test that lay stranded by the toilet.

The sonic buzzes, telling you the Doctor was fed up of being on the wrong side of the door. He frowns and opens his arms, you walk into them and place your cheek against his shoulder.

The time lord just held you for a moment, not wanting to break the silence.

You press a kiss to his cheek as you stand straight, "You need to know something."

The Doctor places his hands on your shoulders and studies your face, "Know what?" his eyes break from yours and travel around the room until they fall on the test by the toilet, "Are you..."

"Yes-." the Doctor wraps his arms around your waist and lifts you from the ground, he places gentle kisses all over your face.

"I'm gonna be a dad." the smile on his face grows, "IM GONNA BE A DAD," he squeals.

"You're not angry with me?" you ask, surprise lacing your words.

The Doctor looks you dead in the eye, "Why the hell would I be angry, Baby, we're having a baby. That's the best news I've heard in centuries."

You smile a little and press a kiss to the Doctors lips, "We're having a baby." you repeat, the happy thought replacing all of the negative ones in an instant.


All panic had left your body, since River had talked to you you were all giddy inside. The thought of having a baby with the Doctor made you slightly nervous but still, you couldn't wait to tell him.

"Doctor." You call for him as you walk down the never ending Tardis corridors. The sound of feet making their way towards you makes your pulse speed up. The Doctor rushes round the corner, he collides with you but manages to catch both you and his balance before the two of you fall on your asses.

He looks over your face, his eyes panicked, "Whats wrong."

You raise a brow, "Nothings wrong but I do have to tell you something that is very important."

He smiles as he see's the happiness in your eyes, "Whats so important then."

You press a kiss to his lips, "You're gonna be a dad."

He smashes his lips back onto yours, "How long have you known also when did we last...well you know?"

You pull away from his lips, "Have you forgot our honeymoon already." The Doctor turns a shade of pink.

"How could I," he says darkly, the pink from his cheeks making its way to yours, "So you're one hundred percent sure you're pregnant." his eyes hopeful of hope.

You nod, a smile on your lips, "We're having a baby."


His back is to you as he plays with the switches and buttons on the Tardis console.

You smile and tip toe towards him, you wrap your arms around him, he jumps a little in shock.

"You were scared." you say with a giggle, the Doctor looks over his shoulder with a scowl.

"I was not scared although how about you don't do that again." he says softly.

You pretend to think about it, "Hmmm, no."

The Doctor sighs, "Did you need to talk, you never hug me like this unless you don't want me to see your face."

"I was just wondering if you had ever thought about teaching children instead of teenagers?"

The time lord shrugs, "Wheres this going, (y/n)?" He turns in your arms and places his hands on either side of your face.

"Well-um-I was just wondering because soon you're going to have to teach children anyway." you say with a small smile, the Doctors eyes widen.

"You mean." he looks at your stomach, "You're..."

You nod and place a gentle kiss to his lips, "You ok?"

He smiles, "I'm better than ok. I'm going to be a dad."

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