Christmas Special Numero Tres

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The Doctor sits in the chair over from you, a frown evident on his face. You hadn't said anything to him yet, you were still in shock. The thought of now being completely alone terrified you.

Your family had been in a car crash just hours ago, both of your parents and little brother had died on impact.

Tears had stopped falling down our face but the dried trails of the last few shed were still evident. Your nose was redder than a cherry and your eyes were all puffy, not that you cared, you were in too much pain to even register the thought that you looked like an emotional wreck.

What could make this situation worse?

Well it was christmas day, that definitely made the situation worse.

Your family were coming to visit you, you hadn't seen them in months and hadn't spent christmas with them for two years.

"(y/n), are you ok?" the Doctor asks softly, his hand resting on your shoulder.

You stare at him blankly, your head shakes, "No, I just lost everything. I can't ever see my family again, i'm alone..." you drift off, your eyes blankly watching the flowers behind the doctors head.

"Well thats not completely true." he says with a small smile.

"What do you mean?" you say with a frown, your body slumping further into the chair .

"I can take you to see them if you want, you could say this is my christmas present to you."

You hesitate but nod in agreement, "Won't going back in time to me own timeline create a paradox?"

The Doctor shakes his head, "Only if we're not careful." he takes your hand, pulling you to you feet as he stands, "Come on."

He leads you to the Tardis, sitting you down on the captains chair.

His fingers dance over the control console, "25th of December 2005,"

You head snaps up as the Doctor looks at you, "Hold on."


You stand outside of a hospital room, the doctors hand in yours. Through the window you could see a family, a mother, father, their daughter and new born son.

You could remember this day like it was yesterday, the day your brother was born and you asked to call him santa.

A single tear runs down your cheek as you watch your past play out, the happiness on your face as you looked at you baby brother never faltered.

"Thank you," you whisper to the doctor, he squeezes your hand in response. Your head rests on his shoulder as you watch your family celebrate christmas for what would be your last time.

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