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AU where the only colour you can see is the colour of your soulmates eyes until you meet them.

11 X Reader


The word made your teenage self beyond confused.

How do you know you have met your soulmate, well thats an easy question to answer. Before you meet your soulmate you can only see one colour, the colour of their eyes and when you meet them, every other colour falls into place. Its almost like a colour by number book but every section is the same number until you turn the page.

According to everyone on this strange little planet on which you lived, you were supposed to have only one soulmate but you had had four, at least thats what your eyes told you anyway.

The first colour you could see was brown. It was rather dull but not uncommon in your family to be paired with someone with brown eyes. As a child you found the colour amazing, many animals were brown and it also happened to be the colour of your hair. 

This was the only colour you had seen for fourteen years, it was the only colour you had expected to see for as long as it would take to find your soulmate. Although this all changed one when you awoke for school one morning and the duck shell blue paint clinging to your walls was staring you in the face.

You could still remember the rushing footsteps of your parents as they made their way up the stairs and into your room after you had let out a shrill scream. You couldn't tell them what was wrong, so in the end you resorted to the childish lie of a bizarre nightmare.

No one questioned your behaviour at first, the sudden disinterest in the colour brown wasn't unusual to them, many people tended to ignore the only colour they could see after a while.

So, the second colour you could see was blue, saying you were puzzled by the sudden change was an understatement but you never told anyone in the fear of being called an absolute nut job. 

Despite this constant worry you couldn't help but take a liking to blue, the sky was usually a soft, light shade of the colour and you could finally tell the colour of your eyes. 

After a while you seemed to forget about the change, occasionally this lead you to slipping up and later ended in unresolved arguments and interrogations held by your family.

At the age of sixteen it had happened again, the colour had changed and you were beginning to question if soulmates were really as great as they were made out to be.

Once again the colour brown filled your sights, this made it easier to be around your family but didn't resolve all of the past arguments contained within the walls of the place you struggled to still call home.

The boringness of brown hadn't changed, it was still bland, almost like your personality at that point. You had become what most people call estranged but you preferred to call it withdrawn. You didn't mean to lose contact with so many people but after all the years of withholding secrets to yourself, you couldn't help but drift away from almost every person you had ever had contact with.

Many more people had begun to think something was wrong with you, hell, even you thought you were a wack job. No one in the history of ever had changed soulmate, not one person, so why did it have to happen to you first?

The answer. 

You had always been unlucky, not to mention very odd in general so if this sort of thing was to happen to anyone, that anyone would be you.

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