11 X Reader part two

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Sorry I haven't posted in over a week, i have had school and have also been ill. In fact I am still ill whilst I type this so props to me for actually putting effort into something when i feel like I'm gonna faint. Go me!

A part two was requested for this imagine by quite a few people, so, enjoy!


Your scream echoed around the Tardis, bouncing off of all the walls, triggering your regeneration for the 5th time in 1100 years. Tears streamed down your face as you heard shouting come from all around you, some of it was the Doctors and some was Rivers. Amy stayed silent as she peered around the ship for any sign of the person screaming for dear life.

Gold engulfed your body before exploding like the most beautiful firework display, the light was so intense it knocked everyone backwards but also showed them where you were. The Doctor was on his feet in an instant pulling the Tardis apart to get to the source of regeneration energy. He wouldn't recognise you anymore, you didn't look like the wife that he once had. Your eyes which would always stay brown were now a gold, matching the time vortex and just to match your hair was the same colour.

The Doctor pulled back a panel, revealing your agonised face that was stained by never ending tears. He reached out for you, his fingers just reaching your arms as he begun to hoist you out of the small hole you had been restrained to for over a millennia.

The second you were out of the hole you fainted in the Doctors arms, he held you close to him but he didn't know who you were, he was confused as to how you managed to get quite literally inside the Tardis. Little did he know he wold be getting more then 1 surprise when you woke up.


The Doctor held you down by your shoulders as you shook, for the last hour you had been having weird sorts of seizures and didn't stop mumbling dates and names, constellations and galaxies slipped off of the tip of your tongue. Every so often you would speak of Gallifrey, just small things, like silver trees and bright orange skies.

The time lord released your shoulders as you stopped shaking, he sat on the floor next to you, hand in hair as he tried to work out how you go inside the Tardis. He didn't recognise your face which was understandable as you had regenerated but the hair, the colour matched the time vortex and heart of the Tardis. The woman had eyes that also matched, she had to be a time lord, a human would have died within seconds.

River watched you from behind Amy, she was more than curious. At first she had offered to shoot you but the Doctor had insisted that he wait for you to awake. Amy cleared her throat, snapping River from her trance.

"Do you know her?" Amy whispers to the professor behind her, she keeps her eyes on the Doctor but her focus was completely on the lady with a gun behind her. River came to stand besides the red head, a sad smile on her lips.

She shook her head as she sighed, "spoilers," Amy rolled her eyes.

Once again you begun to shake but this time your eyes opened, scared but agonised golden eyes met the Doctors green ones. You grip his hand as tears stream down your face, he frowns at your shaking form, he couldn't watch your pain for much longer.

"Shh shh, it's ok. What's your name," he asks as he tries to calm you down, the shaking slows and your eyes clamp shut.

"Yo-You should know Doc." you hiss in pain, the regeneration process was still happening and the seizures plus the sudden loss of the vortex was sending your body into a pain frenzy. He shook his head, his hand still gripping yours for dear life until you stopped shaking completely.

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