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You sat in silence, the cold stares of your parents making the awkward situation so much worse. The Doctor had decided that it would be a great idea for him to be introduced to your parents who knew all about him (well the old him) but as you had predicted they were rude.

"So, you seem to like the younger girls, Doctor." your dad says with a sneer, his arms folded tightly across his chest. Your mother nodded in agreement from the chair next to him, her lips turning white as she tried not to make a snarky comment.

"I find they make better companions so yes," the Doctor said with a smile, you face palmed and sighed. (m/n) eyes widen and your fathers jaw clenches, you roll your eyes at the pair as you stand up and take the Doctors hand, pulling him towards the front door. 

"Where do you think you are going, (y/n)?" your mother asks you, her tone full of disgust. You turn to face her, a frown on your face.

"Away from you two, I told you why he looks older but you can't accept that he isn't like us. I can't believe you two, don't talk to me until you are ready to apologise." your voice shakes slightly as the anger inside you threatens to spill. The Doctor gives your hand a little squeeze as he opens the door and pull you onto the porch of your parents home.

Once the door shuts the Doctor leans against the brick of the wall and pulls you into a tight hug. He rubs his hand up and down your back in an effort to calm your shaking body, you fall against him, tears falling down your cheeks. You didn't want to cry but you couldn't believe your parents, they were rude and full of disgust. Sure he was over 1000 years old and looked at least 60 but he was quite literally a child.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have suggested coming here." the Doctor whispers into your hair, he pulls away and wipes the tears away, gently he places a kiss to your forehead. 

"No, I'm sorry for their behaviour. Anyways I couldn't help but catch a glimpse of an metallic alien sighting in central London being shown on the news." you say with a smile which the Doctor returns as he grabs your hand and pulls you towards the Tardis.

-Central London-

The Cyberman starred at you and the Doctor, an army behind it. They were silent and non moving, screaming could be heard from the locals as the caught sight of the metal men that caused them so much bother before.

"Doctor." the lead cyberman said with its metallic voice, the machines behind it echoing their leader.

You smile, "Oh, they speak. I was beginning to think you's were dead or just plain stupid." the Doctor gave you a side look, signalling for you to shut up.

"Why are you here, no Cybermen have stepped on earth for years. So why now?" the Doctor asked, he sounded serious but bored.

The metal army turned to face the time lord.

"For revenge. We are here for what your companion loves most, her family." the Cyberman says bluntly, his cold gaze now turning to you.

You stare at the metal infront of you and take a step forward, the Doctor grabs your wrist, holding you back. 

"Revenge. The all powerful Cybermen turned petty, how human of you. What do you want with my family." you say calmly despite your blood now running cold.

"We shall kill them. If we bring the companions pain, they leave the Doctor, we make him weak." 

"So what you are basically saying is that you are going to kill (y/n) family to make me and her separate. Thats your grand scheme. You don't even have her family you idiots." the Doctor says incredulously.

"That is incorrect."

"No, you can't. We only just left them." you say with a frown, your tone angry and increasing in volume.

As you say those words, two very familiar faces are marched infront of you. You lunge forward but the Doctor pulls you back with his hands wrapped around your waist.

"(y/n) love, I have a plan but I need you too calm down. Please, I promise I will get your parents out of here." the Doctor whispers in your ear. You stop wriggling and allow the Doctor to just hold you, with a nod the Doctor continues to face the Cybermen.

"Release them and take me instead." the Doctor says calmly. You turn to face him with wide eyes.

The Cybermen fall silent before the leader marches forward, infront of the Doctor.

"Release your companion and we shall release her parents. You will follow me." the Leader says before marching back towards its army. Your parents warily walk forward and as soon as they know they are not in harms way they run to you, the Doctor releases you from his hold, letting you go to your parents.

"We are so sorry, please forgive us." your mother sobbed into your shoulder as your dad rubbed her back.

"Of course I forgive you but its the Doctor you should be apologising to. Not me." you reply with a small smile.

"No need to apologise," the Doctor says from behind you. You turn to him and bury your face into his chest. "Take your parents to the Tardis and wait for me, I won't be long."

With that said you took your parents to the blue police box and waited for the man you loved to return.

(Sorry the ending was so bad, couldn't think of a way to write the end)

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