Don't You Just Love How Time Works

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The Doctor got Rose into the Tardis and sent her back to her time on earth, not once did he think of getting you to safety, you wouldn't of left him anyway but he could have at least thought about it.

He seemed to forget you were there as he pulled apart mainframes and wires, creating a pile of pointless electrical current and a death trap for any human or time lord that touched it.

Nothing could be done to save either of you as the Daleks entered the room, surrounding you, blocking any means of escape. 

Even at this point the Doctor still didn't look in your direction, you were his girlfriend, Rose  must have been more important though as he kept mumbling her name under his breath.

Somehow Rose had managed to get the Tardis to come back, reversing it all the way through the time vortex.

She had looked into the heart of the Tardis.

You rush inside, ignoring the threats from the Daleks as your heavy footsteps carried you to control panel.

There had to be way to help her, you hated her a little but not enough to let her die.

You look out of the Tardis, the Daleks were ash, floating through time and Rose was burning up. She would die.

"I think you need a Doctor," your boyfriend says with a smile as he smashes his lips to Roses.

You fall back against the panel, shock evident on your face as you watched your soon to be ex boyfriend make out with the annoying blonde.

They stumble inside, both seemed to forget you were there as the Doctor begins his whole speech on what was happening and how amazing Rose was, even how amazing he was but nothing about you.

No tears fell from your eyes as you watched the Doctor change his face, he was different but he still kissed Rose and you would never forgive him.

For now you just had to worry about landing the Tardis.


The Sycorax had transported you onto their ship, along with Rose and her family, plus the cheater on the floor still asleep at the most inconvenient time.

You didn't need the Doctor to know which alien this was or its laws, hence the reason you ended up speaking for the planet.

It was going perfectly well until the Doctor woke up, pressed a red button, got in a sword fight and lost his hand.

Luckily for him he was still regenerating and it grew back.

You sunk back into the Tardis, hoping to hide from your ex and his new girlfriend.

This however didn't work as you ended up having Christmas dinner with Rose in her apartment.

Then later you hopped into the Tardis, going into the vast reaches of space.

End of Flashback 

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