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13 X Reader

"(y/n), It's too tight. What even is this?" asks the Doctors as she sits in a grumpy heap on the floor.

You roll your eyes and fall down next to her, "Its called a sports bra, I would get you a normal bra but you run everywhere."

"Why would a bra help me run?"

"The bra doesn't help you run."

"But you said I'm wearing it because I run everywhere."

"The bra is to stop your boobs from...bouncing." you say awkwardly. The Doctors eyes widen and a faint blush dusts her cheeks.

You shake your head and jump to your feet, currently the two of you were sat in your bedroom within the Tardis. The doctor had asked you to help her find clothes to wear as her wardrobe consisted of male clothes because funnily enough she was always a guy, until now that is.

"I don't like this, being a dude was easier."

"A dude?" you question, "This regeneration uses the word dude."

Thirteen shakes her head, her cropped blonde curls sway. "Not anymore."

She rises to her feet and pulls on the t-shirt you had found her in the back of her wardrobe, you had no idea where it had come from but thirteen didn't seem to mind it. The doctor pulls on her coat with a sigh.

"Do I look weird?" the Doctor asks suddenly, catching you of guard. You turn away from your dresser full of freshly folded clothes to take in the Doctors face.

You smile and shake your head, you had known the Doctor since she wore a leather jacket and had instantly become best friends with the time lord the second you met her.

"Nope, definitely better than nine. You don't have a permeant scowl on your face, thats a bonus."

The doctor chuckles, a smile on her lips, "Thank you. Now how about an adventure?"

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