Christmas Special Numero Ocho

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You loved to bake, ever since you were a young child you would make cupcakes and brownies with your mother in your childhood home, that was until she passed away.

You smile sadly as you lay our each wall for your gingerbread house, the sweet smell reminding you of how close christmas truly was. The Doctor groans from the control room, as perusal he was underneath the console tampering with things he claimed to understand.

"Doctor, I need your hands!" you shout from the kitchen, gingerbread walls in hand. The Doctor rushes down the corridors of the Tardis and into the neatly kept kitchen that he seemed to forget existed.

"Why do you need my hands, I cant just give them to you," he says with a frown as he takes in your rolling eyes.

"I need you to man the icing, i cant make this myself." The doctor nods and picks up the piping bag tightly, squirting purple icing all over your hands. His eyes widen as he looks at your scowl, "Maybe I should hold the walls."

You nod and swap places with the time lord, you take the icing from his hands and begin piping the purple deliciousness on the edges of the walls. The doctor holds the walls together, his foot tapping impatiently, soon his eye would be twitching.

"You can go if you want, I know you're probably busy." you say with a small smile as you gently take the stuck together walls from his hands, the Doctor frowns.

"I can help, I have time."

You shake your head, "But not the patience. It's fine, off you go."

He looks down at you, his dark hair falls into his eyes, "I know this means a lot to you so I'll stay. Now, pass me another wall for this...lovely house."

You smile and pass him another wall, "Thank you."

You returns the smile, "Its christmas, you're always nice to me at christmas, may as well return some kindness."

You look down at the icing bag and pick it up, ready to put together the only house you and the Doctor would ever invest any time in.

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