Christmas Special Numero Dos

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"Please, (y/n)." whines the time lord, her eyes wide and full of innocence.

You sigh, "The answer is still no."

The Doctor grumbles, "Why not."

"You know why, remember what happened last year?"

She rolls her eyes, "That wasn't me,"

You shake your head and stand up from your bed where the doctor was sat in an awkward heap, "It was still you, don't try and find away around this. You are not getting it."

"But I want ittttt,"

"The last time I gave you the christmas lights you almost blew up the console room, honestly you are a time lord for god sake, how you managed to forget that plugging everything into the same outlet is a fire hazard i don't know."

The time lord jumps to her feet, "I won't do it again, please."

You cock a brow and study her face, "Fine but I swear if you set fire to the Tardis we will both kill you,"

The Doctor nods, a smile on her face as you give her the stack of boxes from the corner of your room.


You sit on your bed, fluffy socks on, hot chocolate in hand. Frank Sinatra's voice resonates within the four walls that make up your room, a small christmas tree stands in one of four corners, its tinsel reflecting the colour of the lights.

Fairly lights create a flashing square on your ceiling, reds and greens dance on your face as you take a sip of your warm, chocolatey drink.

The Doctor had been silent for the last two hours, you hadn't seen her which was a little worrying but you trusted her to be at least a tiny bit smarter than her last regeneration.

Small clangs and bangs travelled up the hallway, the muffled groans were hard to miss.

You sigh, placing your hot chocolate on your side table you stand to you feet, a frown on your face.

"Doc?" you shout as you enter the control room which now had a hole in the middle of it, "What the hell!"

"(y/n)? HELP!"

You peer over the edge of the hole. The doctor clings to a short rope of tinsel a couple of meters down. You shake your head and grab the glittery decoration, hoisting the Doctor back into the control room.

"Thanks, (Y/n)." she says with a smile which soon disappears as soon as she see's the scowl on your face.

"Fix the hole and then give me back the lights." you say sternly, the time lord frowns but nods in agreement.

"Yes ma'am."

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