Meeting For The First Time

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(Ignore the fact that some imagines have been written on these topics, these will be completely different)

9- You were walking down the road which lead to your flat when you hear a loud bang and a wheezing coming from an alleyway to your left. Being the curious person you are you decide to follow the noise and much to your surprise you stumble upon a blue box with the words POLICE PUBLIC CALL BOX at the top. Your head subconsciously cocks to the side as you study the box which was created back in the 50s or 60s, you remember that from History. You jump back as a man emerges from the boxes door.

"Hello there," he greeted. The man acted as if being in a blue box was the most natural thing to occur.

"Um hello, you are aware you are in what appears to be if i'm not mistaken a police box from the 50's?"

"Oh, i'm very aware. I'm the Doctor by the way," said the men as he stuck out his hand.

" (y/n)," you respond with a smile and a shake of his hand.

10- You had just lost your job, your boyfriend cheated on you with your best friend and to make everything 10 times worse your car decided to break down in the middle of no where.

You punched the dashboard as you slammed your door open. You scream internally and kick the cars wheel which resulted in you screaming yet again but not internally this time. No, this time you screamed into the darkness and if anyone could hear you they'd think you were being murdered.

You fall to the ground, tears streaming down your face. Your foot throbbed from the earlier impact, it was definitely going to bruise. 

Foot steps sounded behind you but you couldn't see who it was taking the steps towards you.

You didn't bother getting to your feet, you just stay in a broken hearted heap on the cold,hard ground.

" Are you ok? " asked a male voice, he crouched down beside you.

You sigh and put your head in your hands.

" No. I mean you could be a murderer and at this point I couldn't care less," you whisper but the man still heard you, he stood up and reached his hand out to you.

You look up at him and take his hand, allowing him to pull you to your feet. The man was attractive and wore a brown suit and trench coat. He smiled softly at you and removed his jacket, draping it over your shoulders and shaking body.

"I'm the Doctor," he said gently, his soft brown eyes looking into yours.

"(y/n)," you respond with a small smile.

 11- Work was slower than usual, a few customers came and went but no one new had come in for at least half an hour.That was until a man in a tweed coat and bowtie entered with a red headed girl.

The man was bouncing on his heels like a child whilst the girl rolled her eyes and chuckled, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a section with hats.

You could hear laughter and loud talking coming from the pair but the word that came up most was fez, you shook your head as you imagined the man is such a hat. You leaned against the counter and tapped your fingers against the cash register as you waited for them to return.

It seemed like it took forever for the two to reappear but when they did you were already prepared, the price for the fez was already in the cash register as its was obvious that was what was going to be bought considering the amount of talk about it.The man in tweed placed the fez on the counter.

" That'll be £8, " you say in your 'professional' voice. Your mother had lectured you for hours on how to speak to customers.

The red headed handed over the money and you rung up the fez, you gave her her change and she said a quick thank you. You look at the man who was starring at you for some reason, you give him a smile and he blushes slightly.

" Sorry, " he says shyly as his eyes fall to the ground, the red head smiles at the man and then at you.

"Thats the Doctor and i'm Amy," said the girl cheerily.

" Its nice to meet you Amy, I'm (y/n)"

12- The rain poured down and the thunder boomed. You loved thunder, it gave you a sense of calm in a world full of quite the opposite. Puddles splashed water up your legs as you skipped and danced around in the downpour, your wet hair flicking your face as you did so.

You laugh as the thunder booms once more and the rain increases, your (e/c) eyes look up to the grey sky and the clouds hiding it away.

It was peaceful in the park, just you and your thoughts. Or so you thought.

A wheezing sound echoed around the park and wiped the small from your face, you spun on your heels as you try to locate the source of the sound.

You squint your eyes and try to make out anything in the blur of the rain. A blue box of sorts could be seen behind an abundance of trees, you run over to it and smile in wonder. You circle the box and try to figure out where such a thing could come from. It wasn't there before, you knew that but how could a box just...appear?

"What are you doing?" asked a thick Scottish accent.

You didn't turn to look at the man, instead you continued to inspect the box.

"Well this box wasn't here before,Sir. I wish to know where it came from as it is most peculiar for something like this to occur," you respond as you run a finger down a panel of blue.

You look at the man and smile gently, he smiled back but only slightly.

"Its not from here, not even close." he says as he walks towards you. "I own her,"

You tilt your head but continue to smile even if you were incredibly confused because this man and his box intrigued you.

"I'm (y/n)," you say as you looked as the man and his wild grey hair.

"I'm The Doctor, just the Doctor,"

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