First Adventure

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Really short.


The Doctor took you to meet William Wallace which was probably a bad idea as the Doctor spoke first but didn't sound Scottish at all, probably not a great idea bringing him here during the war for Scottish independence.

The pair of you were tied up and lets just say the men surrounding you didn't look too friendly, they tried to question you but their accents were too hard to understand and they didn't seem to know many words either.

-time skip-

The Doctor had managed to get out of his binding within 20 minutes, he quickly untied you and you ran for your life as spears were lunged at your head.

You couldn't wait to do this again.


You told the Doctor about your love for the Beatles and he instantly threw you's through time and to the 1960.

The Doctor grabbed your hand and ran down a familiar street, he came to a sudden halt and caught you when you almost fell from him yanking your arm back. He turned to face a security guard and showed him his psychic paper, he asked him to tell John that the Doctor is here.

You were confused at first but then the Doctor told you how he had saved Johns life once.

 And thats how you met all the Beatles, it was amazing and you loved every minute of it.

The Doctor smiled as he watched you silently fan girl over the band that would be known for many years into the future.


The Tardis had decided to put the three of you where ever she wanted which was mars but a couple hundred years in the future.

This was all fun and games until some random alien begun to chase you around the red planet, you smiled as you looked at the Doctor and Amy who were also running for their lives. The Doctor saw your smiling and smiled back, giving your hand a squeeze as he did so.

After what felt like hours of running, the Tardis finally came into view. The blue box threw her doors open with much dramatic flare and hummed loudly as the trio rushed inside, the doors slammed shut as the Doctor began to start the Tardis up.

"That was...That was awesome" You say with a smile.


"So, where too?" asked the Doctor, his eyes studying you carefully.

"Present Day Earth but a different country," you say with a smile.

You remove your soaked through jacket as the Doctor pushes buttons and pulls levers that do god knows what, the Doctor came to a stop with his hand hovering over a button.

"Ready?" he asks, you nod. "Hold on to something,"

You did as you were asked and held onto a railing. The Tardis lurched forward and so did the Doctor, the ship wheezed as it traveled to an unknown place.

When you's finally came to a stop you couldn't help but jump a little with joy, the Doctor shook his head and turned back to his grumpy nature. He'd decided he had been too nice already.

You walked to the door, "May I?" you ask hopefully.

The Doctor nodded. You opened up the Tardis door to reveal The Eiffel tower or well the top of it, somehow the Doctor had managed to land right at the top.

You stood upon the Eiffel tower and admired the view of Paris, it was beautiful and bustling with life. You had always wanted to go here with your grandparents as a child as they were from the city, you smile as you reminisce.

You turned to look at the Doctor and smiled at the man, maybe travelling with this strange alien was a good idea.


Thank you for 100 views on this imagines book, honestly didn't think it would get any as there as so many authors writing things exactly like this.

So thank you for taking time to even look at the front cover, you guys are pretty awesome.


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