A Handful Of Feathers And A Custard Cream

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You sit at King Arthurs round table, discussion was brutal today, Lancelot proudly presented his bloody sword.

"You remember that scum and his wife, the ones in the hut by the river." you give him a small nod, he smiles and continues, "I got a hold of that scum this morning, hope his wife really is the whore everyone says she is, if not she's gonna be living on the streets." he says with a laugh.

You watch him with squinted eyes, "Tell me Lance, why did you hate him so much?" The knight shifted uncomfortably under your stare, all other conversations had quieted.

"I-well, he had it coming some day." he said with a frown. You shake your head and look down at the dagger you're twirling in your fingers before slamming it into the table.

"He was innocent and you were bored. Don't try and justify your self to me, I won't listen. Call yourself a knight, Lance, you are no soldier." you say calmly, the knights eyes widen.

He stands from the table, soft tings sound around the room as his armour hits together, "I apologise Lady (Y/N), I shall not k-" Lancelot says before you shush him, "But-"

"Will you shut up!" you shout, causing the members of the table to jump. You turn to face your Tardis, which stood a meter or so from the table at which you sat. With a sigh you push away from the table and pull open the Tardis door, "Anymore innocents die and i'll be back!" you shouts you slam the door.

The yellow glow of your Tardis welcomes you, a soft hum comes from the control panel. "You have a transmission for me, old girl?" you say with a questioning glance at the ships screen.

The only time a transmission ever came through was when there was trouble which for you was always, where ever you went there was trouble and a lot of running. You liked the running.

You roll your eyes, "Of course it's the Romans," you say with a huff as you read over the time and place, "England, just had to be England. I swear if its raining I'm just coming back home."

Whilst you grumble you flick the lever closest to your hand and dash to the other side of the console to the big red button. "Pelemao!" You shout as you slam your hand down on the button, launching yourself forward and back into time.

----Time skip quite literally brought to you by the Tardis----

Your Tardis lands and the transmission gets louder, you look at the ships screen to see you had landed by Stonehenge. Of all the places you could have landed, although the stones brought back some really interesting memories, especially the ones of you setting up the stones as a prank for the future.

The field looked empty, almost completely silent too, well except for the distant shouts of Romans. You hated the Romans, too boring in your opinion, a little too repetitive.

"Let's have a looksie," You say to yourself as rummage under the control panel for your sonic screwdriver and gun made from a Daleks blaster. Saying you were proud of that gun was an understatement, you retrieved the blaster from a crashed ship after you had blown a whole Dalek armada out of the sky.

With a skip in your step you go to the door and throw it open, being the amazing parker you are, you had managed to land right in the centre of your hand made structure. Maybe you should take a visit back to the 17th century, William might still be alive, you could take a visit here with him but it would only seem like a week at most. That is if you timed it right. He had helped you set this up and he would probably appreciate hearing about the reaction in the future.

Anyways, you're getting distracted.

You spin in a circle, your eyes instantly locking on a stone in the very centre. If you remembered rightly which you always did, that was not put there by you or William, so who decided to get a bit decorative?

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