Christmas Special Numero Cuatro

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The Doctor had landed the Tardis within a frosty tree grove, snow fell from the grey winter sky and children giggled as the chilling flakes fell onto their bare skin. 

You smile as the Doctor opens the Tardis doors, he had swapped his usual brown pinstripe suit for a more appropriate outfit for the 1830's and you had decided on a slightly too puffy for your liking blue dress.

He holds out his hand which you shyly take, a faint blush paints your cheeks but is thankfully covered by the nipping cold.

"It's beautiful," you say with a smile as you look at the glossy icicles hanging from the trees, light coatings of snow cling to the bark of trees, children with cheeks the colour of peppermint candy dance around in groups without even noticing the chill of the grove.

The Doctor looks down at you, a small smile tugging at the edges of his lips, "I suppose it is."

You look up at him with bewilderment, "You suppose?" you remove your hand from his, throwing your arms out to reference the white grove and the joy of children, "What could be more beautiful than this?"

The time lord sighs, "Many things."

Shouts from the nearby town echo off of walls and drift through the trees, hams and cheeses were apparently for sale and a few people had apparently stolen some of the ham. The barking of a dog or two drowned out the cries of a chilled baby, its mother failing to stop its cries and instead left it to finish its screaming.

You frown at the sound of the baby, if you could you would run to it but the Doctor wouldn't allow it.

"Name one thing more beautiful." you say, crossing your arms across your chest as you wait for an answer.

"Well..." the doctors cheeks turn a light shade of pink, "You for starters."

Your eyes widen, "You-you think I'm beautiful?"

The time lord nods, his fingers skim over an icicle.

The grove falls almost completely silent, the chirping of cold resistant birds resonate in harmonies within the tall green trees and their blankets of snow.

"I think you're more beautiful then this grove and any other grove I have ever seen." The doctor says shyly.

You smile at the time lord, "Well, I think you're beautiful too but usually i'd use different words like handsome, fit, hot. You know stuff that a horny teenager would say, not that I'm a horny teenager, thats obvious, I don't know why I said that. Now I'm rambling, I never used to ramble before I met you but now look at me."

The Doctor cant help but smile as he gazes lovingly upon your flustered state, "So you think I'm hot?"

You glare at the man infront of you, "Don't mock me."

He laughs, resulting in you unintentionally smiling.

"I hate you," you groan, although the smile on your face told him otherwise.

"No you don't."

You roll your eyes.

He walks towards you, coming to a stop when he was standing infront of you.

"May I?" he says, his eyes looking between your eyes and lips.

You take a shaky breath and nod your head a little too eagerly, the Doctor chuckles as he leans in, pressing his lips to your in a sweet kiss.

His arms wrap around your waist and yours around his neck, each of you pulling the other as close as possible. You smile as the Doctor pulls away, he looked a little bit like a love sick puppy.

"I've wanted to do that for quite some time," he says with a grin, it was almost as if he had completed a life long mission.

You press a kiss to his cheek before resting your head in the nook of his neck, "So have I."

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