3000 Reads!!!

585 12 7

I honestly can't believe that I have hit 3000 reads, you guys are beyond awesome and I don't just meaning the people that have me in the reading lists, I mean everyone.

When I started writing this book I didn't imagine to get quite so invested but I did and I guess there's no turning back until it's finished.

Thank you again for taking the time to read this book, I seemed only fitting that I chose Doctor who as I've been watching it since I was 4.


Special announcement!

If you are a frequent reader you may have read a recent small series of mine called A Handful Of Feathers And A Custard Cream.

I also asked a few if you if you would like a book to be written for the advocate aka you, the reader and the Doctors brilliantly fantastic timey wimey sister.

I have revived a few yes' and I am happy to announce that a book based on the advocate will be out soon.

Advocates Guide To Planets And Time will be set between the blowing up of Gallifrey and up until she finds the Doctor

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Advocates Guide To Planets And Time will be set between the blowing up of Gallifrey and up until she finds the Doctor.

I hope you still enjoy reading this book and I hope you will like the Advocate as well. Let's just say they're a little angry.

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