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You pace your room in the Tardis, anger welling up inside of you as you think back to the words said to you by the Doctor.

"Do you know what you have done, you have put Clara in danger. She might die because of your stupidity, you can't do anything right." the Doctor was seething with anger, his venomous words striking you over and over as he continued to point out everything you had done wrong in the last few hours. Tears streamed down your face as you turned away from the man infront of you, your hands clenched into tight fists, they shake as you attempt to suppress your anger. 

"I want you to pack, I'm taking you home the second I find Clara." he said bluntly as he grabbed his sonic and pulled his jacket on, the sleeves barely making it past his fingers before he opens the Tardis door and slams it behind him, causing the Tardis to shake.

A duffel bag sat on your bed, clothes and 'souvenirs' filling it completely. You sigh, wiping your eyes furiously in an attempt to rid the tears, strands of hair sticking to you damp face as you did so. You snatch the duffel and sling it over your shoulder, your eyes scan the room one last time, taking in the sight an reminiscing the memories from the last couple of years.

You shuffle out of your room and slam he door behind you, the Tardis hums sadly as it watches you head to the control room and wait for the Doctor to take you home. The Tardis door creaks open, revealing the Doctor and a bruised Clara. A weak smiles falls on Clara's face as she looks at you, her eyes betraying her, hurt showed in each shade of brown displayed in her irises. You huff as you perch against the control panel, your arms folded across your chest as you prepare yourself for the next wave of harsh words.

"Whats with the bag?" the Doctor asked, his voice tired and his feet heavy as he made his way over to you. You roll your eyes and stand straight.

"I'm leaving." you state bluntly, the Doctors shaggy eye brows furrowed as he came to a stop infront of you, his hands in his pockets.

"You don't have to, I didn't mean what I said." The Doctor mumbled, avoiding your eyes.

You shook your head. "You did and you know it. It's all you have said to me for the past couple of months and I'm sick of it, take me home." you yelled, the Doctor stepped back in surprise. You had never yelled at him before. He nodded sadly and started up the Tardis, with a jolt you traveled back to 2019, or as you liked to call it Hell.

You wasted no time when walking to the door, ignoring the pleading of the Time Lord behind you and the almost silent words from Clara as you left the Tardis but this time you weren't coming back.

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