Put A Ring On It

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You sigh as the Doctor rushes around the control room, for some reason he was in a complete rush and whenever you told him to slow down he just responded with it all has to be perfect. The time lord had woke you in the early hours of the day, although you were tired the excitement on his face made your grogginess worth while.

"(Y/n), ready for an adventure of a life time?" the Doctor says suddenly, his hand already on the button that would launch you god knows where. You smile and hold onto the Doctors hand to stop yourself from ending up in the wardrobe again, with a jolt the Tardis dematerialises into the time vortex, travelling to wherever the Doctor had wanted to be perfect.

With a small thud the ship lands, the Doctor wastes no time in pulling you out of the police box and onto a planet with soft pink skies and silver buildings, men and woman of various races walk down the streets with their arms linked and matching smiles on the faces.

"It's beautiful," you say in awe as you take in your surroundings, the Doctors smiles to himself, he had done well so far. "Any particular reason we're here, love?"

The Doctor shrugs his shoulders and interlocks his fingers with yours, "Come on, don't want to miss it."

You cock a brow as the Doctor gently tugs you in every which direction, "Miss what exactly, you're a time lord that funnily enough travels in time, you can't miss much." The Doctor smiles down at you and shakes his head.

"It's a surprise." he says as he turns the two of you into a park with a single blanket in the middle of it, the whole place was deserted except for a single man waiting patiently next to the tartan cloth on the ground. You couldn't help but notice the happiness in the Doctors eyes as he saw what you guessed was his doing.

"The Doctor I presume." says the man with a smile, he gestures for the two of you to take a place on the blanket as he pulls a basket out from behind him and passes it to the Doctor.

The time lord thanks the man as he wonders off down the way you and the Doctor had come from, he slips his hand into the basket and puts something into his pocket which you just happened to miss.

You look towards your boyfriend and smile, "This planet is fantastic, everything about it is just simply amazing. How'd you come across this place, take many girls on dates here in the past?" 

He chuckles and shakes his head, "No, you're the first and the last." you smile lovingly at him, he can't help but smile back.

The baby pink skies had darkened into a plum, the silver city behind you glimmered under the light of the stars, lights hang from the tree's around you, illuminating the blanket. You rest your head on the Doctors shoulder and study the unfamiliar stars, unlike the ones back home they burned an unusual shade of violet, it was beautiful.

"One minute," mumbles the Doctor, he appeared to be more nervous than happy like he was a minute ago, you press a light kiss to his cheek.

"Whats wrong?" you ask him curiously as you sit up straight.

He shakes his head, "Look up." You frown but turn away from him to look at the sky.

Multiple fireworks shoot up towards the sky and burst into flecks of white, you're eyes light up as you watch the beautiful explosions. One last fire work shoots up but instead of exploding into a burst of light it burned a question in the sky.

"Will you marry me?" you whisper to yourself, you smile and turn to the Doctor who was down on one knee with an open ring box in hand.

He smiles a smile you had never seen before, it was softer than usual and it held a certain uncertainty that you were sure the Doctor wasn't used to feeling.

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