10th Doctor X Daughter Reader

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Tears streamed down your face as you watched your mother, Rose Tyler give you a wave goodbye as your father shut the door to the Tardis.

His face was full of sorrow, the usual bright eyes that looked at you with such love now hardly even glanced in your direction. His breathing turned ragged as sobs escaped his lips, his fist connected with the control panel before he walked around to pull a lever which you guessed would take you far away from your current destination.

Being only 8 you still didn't understand what was really happening, even if you were a half time lord which made you half smart ass. You were still a child and you were still half human, meaning the half of you that felt lost came from your mother and the other half that wanted to pretend that everything was perfectly fine came from your dad.

But now looking at a broken man who wouldn't even look back, you didn't know how to act. The man you had always looked up to and believed to have no negative emotions was now in tears, breaking down over the woman he loves.

Thats when it hit you.

You had left your mother. Your father had lost the love of his life, your family now broken and your father with it.

You felt tears form in your eyes and slide down your face. With a shaky hand you reach out for you father but he turns away, refusing to look at you and be reminded of what he had just lost.

You drew back your hand, hurt that he had turned away in the time when you needed each other the most. You walked away to your room, locking the door behind you. Refusing to leave until he came for you when he was ready to finally be a broken half of a family together.

-7 year later-

You'd think that after 7 years your father would've talked to you or at least smiled in your direction but no. 

You were 15 now and you hadn't left the TARDIS in the last 7 years. In those years you had watched your father from the shadows, his companions not even noticing your presence. Sometimes you wondered if he even remember you were still there.

You had no one but the TARDIS to talk to and even then the old girl was usually too busy talking with your father and his latest companion, Donna.

You liked Donna, she was sassy and could be quite rude but she kept your father in check. She made him happy, something you couldn't do.

These  days you spent most of you time in the TARDIS library, reading every book for the hundredth time. Some from the past and some from the future, some alien and some human but you favourites were from Gallifrey. They told you stories of your father and the time war, you would never be able to ask him of what happened so this was as close as you got. You often read of your home planet which was earth and wondered if much had changed, you longed to see your mother and ask why she left you with a man who didn't want you.

You remember the hills and the parks surrounding the flats and industrial areas, you missed the blue skies and green grass. You wanted to go home to your mother and be with her, even if it was only for a while.

Thats when you decided.

You were leaving.

There was nothing for you here so what difference would you make. 

You leapt up from you seat in the library and scampered noiselessly into your room. You pulled a bag from under your bed and threw your few belongings inside. You picked a picture up from your dresser, it was of one of the last times your family was together. You smiled sadly at the thought of family as you shoved the picture into your bag along with everything else.

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