Fights and Break ups

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You roll your eyes as the Doctor enters the Tardis, he hadn't been back for a handful of hours and he hadn't spoke to you for multiple days.

The time lord refused to talk to you because he was sure you and Jack had been flirting, ever since you picked up the man from WW2 the Doctor had been acting like a complete bastard and to be quite honest you were growing tired.

"Doctor, we need to talk." you say as you lean against the Tardis controls, the time lord shakes his head and walks past you to the opposite side of the ship, "Doc, I'm leaving."

The time lord comes to a halt, for once no witty remark leaves his lips.

"Why?" he asks, the man acting as if he had done nothing to push you towards what you were doing.

You sigh, "I want you to take me home and fly away."

He turns to you, his face blank as he looks at you, "Is this because of Jack, I knew you two had a thing and Rose kept telling me that I was stupid but I KNEW!" 

You flinch as he shouts, "You know nothing, they say you grow wiser with age but grew ignorant and so blinded with rage. I'm getting off of this ship, you aren't to follow me, do you understand?"

He chuckles dryly, "Why would I follow you? You flirt with other men and then lie about it, get off of my ship."

You shake your head and stand straight, you walk to the for and push it open, "I hope you find someone that can put up with you, maybe even fix you, until then I bid you farewell."

You leave the ship, never once turning back.



You hated the name, the flower, the colour and now you even hated rosé.

Ever since the blonde had heard you and the Doctor were together she had been trying to force the two of you apart and up until now she was failing.

Tears fill your eyes as you watch the pair pressed up against the Tardis console, Rose pinning the Doctor down although the time lord did nothing to stop her.

Rose pulls away from the Doctor and licks her lips, she smiles as she sees you infront of her, "(Y/n), didn't see you there."

The Doctor spins round faster than light, his eyes wide and apologetic, "Baby, it's not what it looks like, I swear to you."

You frown, "Don't...don't call me that." The Doctors face turns broken, he could swear his hearts missed a beat.

"I need you to take me home, no buts, just take me home."

The Doctor nods sadly and starts flicking switches here and there.

The ship jolts and sways before coming to a halt, you roll your shoulders and walk towards the doors.

You frown as you meet the Doctors eyes, "Bye."

Then you were gone.


"Can't you do anything right, everyone almost died, not just us but a whole planet. You're stupidity almost cost thirteen billion lives, why are you like this, big mouthed and unreliable. Of all the people I have ever had on this ship you're the person I regret having on here the most." The Doctor seethes as he paces the control room, you sit on the steps of the console room, River sighs next to you.

"You don't mean that, if you regretted it that much you wouldn't have told her that you love her." River says with a frown, the Doctor stops his pacing and meets your tear filled eyes.

"Thats another one of my regrets, telling such a small minded person that I loved them."

Your breathing hitches, "Loved?"

The Doctor shakes his head, "Yes, loved, as in the past tense."

A cascade of tears falls down your cheeks, "Oh."

"I'm taking you home, I cant have such a danger hazard on this ship, I save people i don't doom them."

You wince as you stand to your feet, "ok then,"

The doctor dashes around the console, whilst he flies the ship River gets to her feet, her eyes angry.

The Tardis lands and you waste no time on leaving the ship.

A loud crack could be heard from within the time machine, "What the hell was that for?" asks the Doctor.

"Rule one, the doctor lies." replies River.


Yet again the Doctor had left you to babysit Missy whilst he went on an adventure with Bill and dragged an unamused Nardole with him.

"Being the Doctors closest friend I can tell you he just doesn't love you, he never did and never will." Missy says from her piano, you frown at the sentence she had repeated at least ten times now.

"If that was the case why would he have told me he loved me in the first place?" you ask as you dunk another biscuit into your tea.

Missy sighs, "Well thats obvious, he felt sorry for you, if he really loved you why would he leave you with little old me instead of taking you to a random planet." you take a bite of your biscuit, "I think he's trying to tell you he is tired of you dear, being the doctors closest friend I know these things."

You put your head in your hands, "I suppose he has been ignoring me a lot lately and I haven't left this planet or time in almost a month."

Missy stands from her stool and walks right up to the glass, "Exactly, see I told you, he doesn't want to be with you anymore. Would probably be best if you left him first, seeing as you now know he doesn't really love you."

"Mis, why are you so desperate for me and the Doctor to break up?"

The time lord shakes her head, "Im not desperate." she says with a chuckle, "I just want you to be the first to realise that all the time you have spent with the Doctor was pointless, he doesn't love you, he never will. I mean, why would he? You're human, the age difference is something else and well, do you really want to spend the rest of your life with a grey haired scotsman whose eyebrows have more expression than most people."

"Well, yes."

The time lord puts her head in her hands, "I can tell you now, that man has been married more times then henry the eighth and only one marriage lasted until death do them part. I'm telling you this because I care, (y/n). Leave him before your heart gets broken."

A frown makes its way to your lips, "Does he really not love me?"

Missy rolls her lips inward, "Never has and never will."

"Well then," you say and get to your feet, "Do me a favour and tell him that I'm sorry i wasted so much of his time."

The time lord flashes a dazzling smile, "Of course dear, goodbye."

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