Magic Ball

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You had been a nurse for a while now, you loved your job but it could get so stressful, especially when the patients or their families were incredibly rude.

Today was one of those days, you had been late for work, shouted at by a patients family for something you didn't even do and your usual ward had all come down with a bug.

Meaning every single person was spewing everywhere, beds, floors, curtains, you name it. Even a window, now you had heard of projectile vomit but this was next level.

Although today was beyond awful, your best friend and crush Rory also had to suffer the hardships of that ward. That made you feel a bit better, knowing Rory also felt your pain, especially after he said he'd transfer to your ward because it was rather mellow.

Boy was he wrong.

After four hours of handing out medication, taking temperatures and mopping up sick, it was finally your break.

Never have you wanted a break so bad in your life, well except for that one time Mr Jenkins was on the ward. He was a creepy, flirty old man who had a skill of being able to slap your ass even when he was almost blind.

You enter the break room, instantly making your way over to the kettle to make a cup of tea. You grab two cups and add tea bags plus a half a teaspoon of sugar in each. The kettle clicks, steam escapes, signalling for you to hurry the hell up and pour the water before someone steals it.

Rory comes into the break room, a smile on his face as he sees you making tea. "Hey (y/n),"

"The wards not so 'mellow' now is it," you question, Rory rolls his eyes and grabs milk from the fridge.

"I didn't exactly predict everyone getting a virus did I," he says handing you the milk. You remove the tea bags from the cups, chucking them in the bin and open the milk.

"You're the one that always tells me how smart you are, you should have known this was going to happen." you say and pour milk into each cup before popping the lid back on the milk and handing it to Rory to put back in the fridge.

You grab the cups and move over to a table, Rory shuts the fridge and plods over, "Sorry, yes, next time my magic ball tells me of a virus I'll be sure to listen."

A smile forms on your face, "That would be great, thank you,"

He rolls his eyes but smiles anyway, "You're very welcome,"

You take a sip of your tea, the warm liquid calming you down. Rory seemed to be just watching the cup, his fingers tapping against a yellow and blue dotted pattern.

"You ok?" you ask him, he had never been so quiet before, usually you could never get him to shut up. He looks up from his tea, a small smile on his face as he looks at you.

"Uh yeah, I'm fine." he falls silent again, "Actually, can I ask you something?"

You nod and wait for him to continue, in his moment of repeated silence you take a mouthful of tea.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" he asks quietly, you couldn't help spitting the tea back into the cup.

"What?!" you ask, not sure if you heard him right.

"I said do you want to go on a date with me, it's ok if you don't but if you said yes it would make this a lot less awkward conversation." he says with a nervous chuckle, you smile.

"I would love to go on a date with you, Rory." He an even bigger smile makes its way onto his face.

"Cool cool cool. Saturday, I'll pick you up at 6?" Rory asks, he was trying to act calm but he was failing miserably.

"Works for me," you smile and look at the clock with a sigh, you push your self away from the table.

"I got to go, talk later." You say with a wave, walking off towards Ms Harris' room.

"Bye," Rory says, he was proud of himself, he had been wanting to ask you that for a long time.

Now all he had to do was think of something to actually do for a date.

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