Are you positive?

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"I'm not an idiot Jack!" you hiss, the Captain raises his hands in the air to surrender.

"I'm not calling you a lier."

"Well you're not calling me a truth either!"

Jack rolls his eyes, "Really mature, (y/n). I just want to know if you're a hundred percent sure,"

You nod your head and fall backwards onto your bed, "I'm sure, Jack. What do I do?"

The captain sits next to you on the bed and takes your hand in his, "Tell him, you already know how he will take it well."

"You think he'll be happy about it or start panicking?"

"A bit of both. Just tell him, (Y/n)." Jack says with a smile, he stands from the bed and pulls you up with him, "Go talk to the man."

You press a kiss to Jacks cheek and make your way to the console room, "I'm going to kill you if you're wrong." you yell.

"I can't wait to live a full life!" he retorts.


Oh shit.


You pace the bath room, panic taking over your senses.

"I can't...breathe (y/n) breathe, everything is going to be fine." you say to yourself, you slide down the bathroom door and pull your legs up to your chest, "We are so fucked."


He was amazing with your brother and sister so you knew this wouldn't be a problem, he would be ready but you weren't, not that you didn't want this it was just not part of your plan for that year.

River sits on the counter next to the sink, the test next to her. "Would you calm down, you are going to be fine, stop panicking."

"Stop panicking? STOP PANICKING! River, I'm not ready for this, I could never..." you sigh and put your head in your hands, River pulls you into a hug.

"(y/n), you can do anything, you married the Doctor which just proves my point. You don't need to panic, you will be just fine, if anyone is made for this role it is you and the Doctor."

"What makes you so sure?"

"The Doctor treats your siblings like his own children and I once watched you have and argument with a Dalek because it was rude to a child. You can do this."

You pull away from the hug, "I need to tell him."

River smiles, "Go get him tiger."


Bill sits opposite you and Nardole who was for some reason acting as your pillow. The three of you had been locked in the bathroom for over half an hour, not one of you daring to speak or move a muscle. The Doctor had knocked on the door multiple times but he was ignored every time he came shuffling up to the barrier between him and you.

"He's going to have a heart attack." you say jokingly although no one, including you, laughed. Bill gave you a small smile and Nardole mumbled, "cuddle." to himself.

"Well I think he'll be happy but knowing him he won't let you leave the Tardis without him being there for like, a year. Other than that I see no bad reaction coming out of you telling him."

You shrug your shoulders, "I don't know Bill. How are you supposed to tell a time lord your pregnant?"

She shakes her head, "The same way you'd tell anyone else. Just say, I'm pregnant and if you think he is going to have a heart attack get ready to catch him."

You chuckle, "What do you think Nar?"

The man shrugs, "For once I agree with Bill, just tell him."

You contemplate this before standing on two shake legs, "It's decided then, I'm going to tell him."

Bill raises an eye brow as you unlock the bathroom, "Right now?"

"No better time than the present." you say with a small smile and begin the short walk to the console room.

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