Christmas Special Numero Cinco

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Your house was like a beacon.

Blue lights hang down from the porch like icicles, a flashy Santa smiles from the lawn and a broken down sleigh dangles from the unkept chimney which was never used for anything else.

Trees are blanketed with untouched snow, fresh flakes dance from the sky to the ground in a natural ballet recital. The hum of faraway Christmas Carolers resonate from one end of the street to the other, giggling children play in mounds of white as their mothers try and force them inside to cower from the cold.

You smile as you add the last string of lights to your window, a few stick on snowmen hang on to the panes, the Christmas tree reflects off of the glass.

The Doctor was supposed to be coming to your house for Christmas, he forgot last year and the year before that but he promised that this year he would not miss Christmas, still he was twenty minutes late.

Nardole grumbles from the living room, he sat in the middle of the plush grey sofa with his laptop in hand, he didn't seem to ever have it out of his hand.

Bill hummed jingle bell rock from the kitchen as she peeled potatoes, you sigh is content, this christmas was going to be perfect.

Except for the fact that the Doctor had most definitely forgotten christmas again.

"(y/n), stop pouting." says Nardole, his eyes never leaving the screen of his laptop.

You roll your eyes, "I'm not pouting."

Bill laughs from the kitchen.

You turn to her, "Whats so funny?"

"Oh just the usual 'my friend promised me he'd be here' look." Bill smiles at you from over her shoulder.

You shake your head and plop yourself down on the sofa next to Nardole. "I don't know why I expected him to come, he never comes but he always promises. Rule one, the Doctor lies."

Nardole sighs and closes his laptop, he looks at you for the first time that night, "Exactly, he always lies, so why aren't you used to it."

"He didn't always act the way he does. The first time I met him he dragged me into a box and promised to always be there when I called, I guess he lied then too."

The living room flashes multiple colours before settling back to white.

You pick up the tv remote and flick through the various christmas channels until you settled on watching elf.

You had managed to get to the part where he first finds his dad when you hear, what sounds like a very loud guitar, playing we wish you a merry christmas outside.

A small smile plays on your lips as you run to the door and throw it open, revealing the doctor playing his guitar in the middle of the road on top of a sack of presents.

"Doctor!" you squeal as your run across the icy paths towards him, he smiles and sets down his guitar, preparing himself for the inevitable. "You came." you throw yourself at him, wrapping your arms around his neck.

"Of course I did. I promised." he sounded almost offended but wrapped his arms around you anyway.

You look down at all the present but refuse to let him go as you had forgotten to put a jacket on and it was beyond cold. Some may describe it as baltic.

"What's with all the presents?" You ask.

He smiles, "I'm Santa."

You giggle, "You're too grumpy to be Santa."

He frowns and mumbles, "Barbie when you were six."

"What was that?"


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