Meeting The Parents

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The Doctor played with the sleeve of his leather jacket as you knock on the door of your childhood home, you smile at him and place a quick kiss to his cheek.

"I'll warn you now, my mums a hugger," you say teasingly, the doctor gulps and gives a nod.

Foot steps could be heard coming towards the door, your mum opened the door and instantly pulled you into a hug. She pulled away and cupped your face in her hands.

"I missed you so much (y/n)!" your mum pretty much squealed with joy but you swear she squealed even higher when she saw the Doctor.

"You must be the Doctor," your mum said excitedly, jumping with joy slightly. The Doctor held out his hand but your mum swatted it away and pulled him into a bone crushing hug, he looked at you with scared eyes as he tried to pry the woman off of him gently.

You entered the house and looked for any sign of your father. He stood at the end of the hall with a straight face as his eyes studied the man beside you. You skipped over to him and wrapped him up in a hug, he kissed your head and gestured for the Doctor to come over.

He shook your boyfriends hand and continued to study him, you slap your fathers shoulder gently to snap him out of his gaze.

'This should be fun' you thought to yourself with a sigh.


You, your family and the Doctor sat around the dining room table in an awkward silence, the clock in the corner being the only source of noise in the house. This was until your father decided it was time to finally ask some questions which he insisted was a conversation but in reality it was just an interrogation.

"So John, what do you do for a living?" your dad asked as he took a sip of his wine, his eyes watching the Doctor with a strange intensity.

The Doctor thought for a moment.  "I'm a scientist, astronomy and physics." he stated with a smile, you held his hand under the table in an effort to calm your nerves.

Your boyfriend was incredibly calm and you envied him, usually you wouldn't be so worried but you really did love this man and really wanted your parents to like him.

You'd been dreading this moment for the last couple of months and if you had a choice you wouldn't have ever introduced your parents to the Doctor, but he insisted so you caved. It wasn't  that you didn't want them to meet, it was the fact he would be interrogated and your dad could be rather harsh.

The Doctor's answer seemed to satisfy your dad as he responded with a soft grunt and continued to eat his dinner.

"Another nerd, great." your brother (b/n) mumbled, you hit him playfully around the head and prayed that your mother wouldn't ask if he wanted kids.

"So John, would you like kids?" (m/n) asked right on que, you let out and exasperate sigh and decided to just let the Doctor worry about the questions for the night.


The Doctor meeting your family was going a lot different to how you imagined. 

Your mother hadn't asked him as many questions as you thought she would've, your brother and sister adored him and asked him to play games and tell them about space.

Your dad was being unusually pleasant but you guessed that was because of your mother.

All in all everything was going perfectly. 

The Doctor sat in a triangle on the floor with your siblings and described whole solar systems to the small children, your sister called you over to listen to the man in bow tie who she seemed to be engrossed by. The Doctor pulled you into his lap and began to play with your fingers as he continued his speech on the far reaches of space.

You kissed his cheek and leant your head on his shoulder, he blushed a little which caused your siblings to giggle. 

'God I love this man' you thought to yourself.


Sadly you were unable to introduce your parents to the Doctor as they had died when you were younger in a tragic accident.

You visited their graves as much as you could and the Doctor decided that he would join you this time.

Hand in hand you walked to their graves and placed some flowers against the marble panel on which their names were engraved, the Doctor watched you with sad eyes.

The pair of you's just stand for a while in a comfortable silence as you think of your parents and the fun you's had had when you were younger.

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