11 X Reader Part 2

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Your head snaps up at the sound of the crash, the Daleks that you feared as a kid from the tv stood in front of you, their single beady eye watching you intensely.

The Doctor stands in front of you, shielding your body from the alien that shouldn't really exist. You sigh as you hear Matt mumbling from around the corner, if he moved from where he was he'd be shot.

You doubted the Daleks would be able to tell the difference between the men, they may be geniuses but they could be so stupid at times.

The Doctor was a lot taller than you, so you peaked out from under his arm. The Dalek was motionless, silent. The Doctor on the other hand was not.

"The rip between the dimensions, I guess that was you but why? Getting me here doesn't make any sense, unless you weren't planning on me showing up?" The Doctor states, his arms flailing around as he talks. You grab his hands, stopping them from hitting you as he continues to ramble.

You could see Matt from the corner of your eye. He watched you as you held the Doctors hand, with a shake of your head and a nod in the opposite direction Matt takes off.

The Doctor looks down at your entwines hands with a smile, unfaltering when looking towards the Dalek.

It was like it was Radio silent, waiting for the orders instead of killing you two. The Doctor rocked back and forth on his heels, his over excited nature kicking in.

He furrowed his invisible eyebrows as he waited for the Dalek to respond. You huff and look around the reception, counting all the exits just in case.

There were four doors, five if you included the one behind the Dalek. Two of the doors lead to long hallways, there would be no where to hide, another one lead to a stair case which took you to the second and third floors which withheld 3 study halls each. The last door took you outside, from there you could go almost anywhere and it was easy to hide out there.

The Dalek twitches and looks towards you.

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N), you will come with me or be exterminated." the Dalek was a lot louder then you expected, although it reminded you of an exceptionally whiny child.

The Doctor looked between you and the Dalek. You stand closer to the Doctor, his fingers still entwined with yours.

"Why would I go with you?" You tried to sound brave but your words sounded like a whisper. The Doctor squeezed your trembling hand, a comforting smile on his face.

The Dalek edged closer, it's single eye watching only you, never once looking at the Doctor.

"Comply or be exterminated!" The Daleks screeches. The Doctor mumbles to himself quietly.

"No, that's a threat. I want to know why you want me," you say as calmly as you could.

The Dalek edges closer again, you take a step back, dragging the Doctor with you. 

"We need a human." The Dalek said plainly. It weren't exactly one for explaining.

"Time Lord science. You thought I wouldn't notice if you used someone from an alternate universe, we'll surprise, I did." The Doctor rambled, his grip on your hand tightened.

"You mean like Canary Wharf. The Daleks want to use me to recreate Canary Wharf?" You ask, the Doctor gives you a quick nod.

"They don't just want to recreate Canary Wharf, they want to do it here. If the Daleks find a way to get every single one of them through, there won't just be a split in time, they'll destroy your earth. They'd finally be the superior species." The Doctors tone was irritated, slight hints of anger showing through.

The Dalek edged closed again but you made no attempt to move away, instead you released the Doctors hand and walked over to the Dalek until you stood directly in front of it.

"This is correct." The Dalek responds, it's eye studying you as you glared at its annoyingly large head.

"I won't do it. You'll have to kill me, well exterminate me." You say as you stood your ground, the Doctors eyes widened.

He tries to rush forward and grab you but the Dalek shoots a warning shot at his feet, the Doctor jumps back, his eyes sad.

"Comply," it screams. You shake your head and clasp your hands together behind your back. You circle the Dalek.

"(Y/n), please come back over here." The Doctor begs but you just shake your head and continue to circle the alien in front of you.

"Tell me Dalek, can you hear your orders." You ask calmly although you can feel your heart lurch. Discreetly you swallow the lump in your throat and look over at the Doctor. His eyes were sadder than before.

"I cannot hear my orders," The Dalek responds. It's eye follows you as you circle it.

You nod, your gaze on the floor as you think of what to say. You smile mischievously, "It sounds like you have been abandoned, my friend."

"Daleks have no friends, I have not been abandoned." The Dalek screeched, if it was human you might have said it was seething.

The Doctor backed away from you and the Dalek whilst it's back was to him.

He had to find a way to save you before you got yourself killed.

The only question was how?

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