9th Doctor X Reader part 2

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Requested by @RMH4567 -  The doctor gets jealous when someone keeps flirting with you whilst on an adventure, Part 2 of 2. 

The mans head snapped up, a smirk on his lips. He glared menacingly at the Doctor.

"Riley, not buddy," he held out his hand to the Doctor.

The Doctor looked at his hand with disgust, you roll your eyes and turn to face Riley.

You place your hand in his, "(y/n),". You expected a shake but he instead lifted your hand to his lips, leaving a chaste kiss upon your skin.

You blush slightly at the random affection. The Doctor scoffed as he pried your hand from Riley's.

"Don't touch her," the doctor snarled, his voice dangerously low.

You cock an eyebrow at his anger and cross your arms across your chest.

The doctor looks at you and gives a shy smile as he clears his throat and turns back to Riley.

"Where is everyone?" he asked Riley.

Riley sighed and looked up at a tall building which you hadn't noticed before, he pointed to a floor about halfway up.

"A few months ago Torchwood went fully public, told us of all the mishaps with aliens and everything that was just batshit crazy." Riley's eyes fell to the ground, his face sad. "Not long after a giant ship appeared in the sky, the occupants called themselves Daleks. They killed almost everyone and then just left,"

The Doctor looked at the building, assessing every edge and window like it held every secret to the universe.

"I'm guessing thats a Torchwood base?" asked the Doctor.

Riley nodded, "The Daleks killed them first, said they were foolish to communicate with them. Theres only a handful of people left here now, I watched them kill anything and everything that moved. I-Including my sister, she was the last family I had."

Tears fell down his face. You hug him out of impulse, it hurt you to see so much pain from one person.

This was what it was like to look at the Doctor, to see the pain in his ancient eyes disguised by the childish smile on his face.

You look at the Doctor as you pull away from the hug.

"Why would they just leave, Daleks don't just leave." you ask as you remember the countless times you have been face to face with the remorseless salt shakers who destroy whole planets for the sheer fun of it.

The Doctor grabbed you hand as he began to head towards the Torchwood building, you followed behind him and Riley in suit.

"I have a feeling that not all of them left and if I'm correct which I usually am, we have a problem." replied the Doctor, his voice calm but clearly agitated.

"Yeah no shit sherlock," you respond.

The rest of the walk was in comfortable silence.

-Time skip brought by the Tardis-

"YOU JUST HAD TO BE RIGHT, DIDNT YOU!" You scream as you run hand in hand with the Doctor.

Riley was slightly infront of you, leading you through the building.

Daleks followed close behind, shooting at you with their strangely bad aim. Everything around you exploded as the Daleks hit it, whether it be a desk or a whole wall it was blown to smithereens.

The Doctor yanked you around a corner as he followed Riley to god knows where.

You's never stopped moving, you're feet carelessly carried you down stairs and through hallways and offices. Daleks trailed behind, screaming "EXTERMINATE" continuously.

"I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU SAY EXTERMINATE ONE MORE TIME I WILL KILL YOU MYSELF!" You yell over your shoulder. The doctor chuckles slightly at your outburst but stops quickly when he see's your glares.

-Time skip-

You weren't all that sure about what had just happened but 2 of 3 Daleks that were chasing you had self destructed and the last one just disappeared.

Even though this meant that the salt shakers were still out there, you couldn't help but feel relieved that they were no longer following you.

The trio made their way back into town and towards the Tardis.

Riley looked confused as the Doctor began to unlock the blue box, the Doctor went inside to do god knows what.

"Why are you getting in that?" asked Riley who was suddenly very close to you.

"The Tardis here is a ship," you say as you pat the blue box, the Tardis hummed back in response.

Riley came even closer, your noses nearly touching.

"Will I ever see you again?" he asked, his breath fanning your face.

"Probably not," you respond. The giant flirt was leaning in ever so slightly as you begin to lean your head back, trying to put distance between the two f you.

The Doctor came out of the Tardis with a smile on his face, this was until he saw Riley. He grabbed your hand and pulled you to him, his ancient eyes were fuming.

The look he gave the boy could kill and all he said as he pushed you into the Tardis was, "Mine,". It was said along with a growl and a slam of the door.

You lean against the captains chair as your eyes follow the Doctor work at the control panel.

"So, i'm yours huh?" you question, the Doctor stops working and looks up at you. A shy smile graced his lips and his face turned red.

He walked over to you and locked you in place by putting a hand on the chair on both sides.

"If you want to be," he whispered.

You smiled up at him and connect your lips to his. It was gentle at first but then it became more passionate, your hands run up and down his back as his rest on you hips.

When you finally pulled away it was for air.

" You weren't jealous or anything today were you? " you said with a small giggle.

" Oh shut up," he said with a smile.

(Not edited, sorry!)

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