What He Does To Help During Pregnancy

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The Doctor tried to be helpful but he was always so confused by different products and their names that he never really got all that much done, although he did come in handy when it came to putting up a crib.


The Doctor was always by your side, he was supportive of all your choices towards the baby. He made sure you were always safe when you were on and off of the Tardis. He made the Tardis keep an eye on you when he wasn't around.


The Doctor had practically hired your siblings, they never left his side when he was setting everything up for the baby. The Doctor was incredibly gentle with you, he always made sure you were comfortable and he had taught himself how to use the kettle so he could make you tea.


He does everything. You aren't allowed to do anything for yourself, he did it all for you. Whenever you left the Tardis he had to be there to make sure you didn't get hurt. He made sure the Tardis was pre-baby proofed and he had the Tardis design a Nursery right next to your shared room. He had even bought what appeared to be a life time supply of baby clothes.

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