11th Doctor X Reader

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Reader meets doctor for the first time

y/n and y/f/n = your name and your full name

You scanned the files that were sprawled out on your desk in your office, your eyes tired from looking upon the meaningless words on the white pages. A sigh escaped your lips as you place a new sheet of boring infront of you, the corners curled as you absentmindedly twisted the pages in every direction possible.

The building was completely silent except for the sound of the rustling pages in front of you and the passing of cars in the distance.  A loudTHUMP suddenly echoed throughout the building, causing your head to snap up. You look behind you, your eyes scanning the overwhelming darkness that surrounded you. After a moment you shake your head and go back to the pointless task at hand.

The clock above you chimed, signalling another passing of an hour. It was 7.00pm now. You had been in that hell hole of an office for 12 hours, trying to make sense of what was meant by any of the jumbled words on the pages. 

You peer down at your cup, with a huff you took the apparently empty cup in your hand and push yourself out of the thinning desk chair. 

Your heels clicked against the laminate floor as you make your way down to the office break room. The door creaked as you pushed it open, the room was eerily silent except for the echo of the door opening. You made your way in, unaware of your guest watching you from the corner. With a flick of a switch you began to boil the water within the kettle, you opened the drawer to the utensils and lifted out a tea spoon.

You shrieked. In the reflection of the spoon your eyes caught the sight of someone else in the room, no not someone. Something.

You slowly turned on your heels to face the uninvited guest.

" W-who are you? " You ask, your voice a trembling whisper. Your hands gripped the counters hard as you tried to stop you body from shaking.

" You are (y/f/n), " the figure said as it starred at you from the corner of the room, its voice robotic and its body a grey metal.

" How do you know my name " you asked, your voice still trembling.

" I know the names of all who are to be upgraded. " the voice spoke again.

You squint your eyes at the figure. Upgraded, what did it mean upgraded. All you knew is you weren't waiting to find out.

With your legs still shaking you rushed for the door, yanked it open and headed into the seemingly endless darkness. You kick off your heels as you run, your legs push forward as you ran as far away from that thing as you could. It felt as if your heart was beating out of your chest and your lungs had forgotten how to breathe.

The echo of heavy feet rung in your ears as did the words " You shall be upgraded or you will be deleted!"

You rounded the corner and headed into a maze of desks masked by the walls framing them in. You slide under one of the desks and take a deep breath, you were almost certain the thing could hear your heart beat.

The booming footsteps halted and were instead replaced with a lighter padding of shoes down the hall. 

You peer round the corner of the desk. A man in a a tweed jacket and bow tie now stood between you and what you could now clarify as a man made completely from metal. You pulled your head back and rested it against the desk causing it to shake a little. Your breathing hitches in the back of your throat. 

" Why are you here? " asks the man in the bow tie, he sounded fairly chirpy considering the circumstances.

" I am here for the girl, " responded the robot of sorts.

" What would a cyberman want with a girl and more importantly what girl?" asked the man, he looked around and searched for any sign of life.

" (y/f/n) must be upgraded. " it said.

You hear the man sigh heavily and lean against a desk, it creaked underneath him.

" But why, " the man said growing impatient.

You slowly crawled out from your hiding spot and edged closer to the man, careful to make little to no noise. You press your back to a thin wall and wait for what the man called a cyberman to respond.

"  She will make our race superior. She is the perfect human for maximum upgrade. " the cyberman stated bluntly.

There was silence for a moment. No words were said and the tension was driving you crazy.

Without thinking you push yourself to your feet, and face the cyberman. You didn't know what you were doing but you were sick of hearing the word upgrade and not knowing what it meant.

" Look her buddy, I don't know who or what you think you are but what you aren't is upgrading me. I have no clue what that means but I know fine well it ain't happening any time soon so buzz off! " You rant to the cyber infront of you. The man in tweed turned to face you, his dark hair flopped all over the place and his green eyes looked at you with wonder.

" Well, I think you have your answer. She isn't going anywhere. " stated the man, his eyes still on you. He slid his hand into his pocket and pulled out what looked like a screwdriver, he turned around and pointed it towards the robot whilst pressing a button. It made a buzz before completely shutting down the cyberman.

" I'm the Doctor and I gather you're (y/n) " the doctor said, his hand stuck out.

You nod and take his hand, giving it a quick shake before pulling your hand back. He gave you a smile as he stood up and gestured for you to follow him into the darkness, without a second thought you followed the strange man into the unknown.

Little did you know that this was the first of the many times the Doctor would save you.

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