11 X Reader

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Today marked your 10th Day in what you liked to call hell but with studying and degrees, not to mention the increasingly long lectures from monotonous professors plus the crappy dorms. Nothing interesting ever happened in your drama class which was typical and a little ironic, creative writing was even slower and everything got even shittier when you realised you had forgotten your writing assignment was due for that day.

So when it came to creative writing that day you were worrying more and more, would the professor shout at you infront of a hundred people? Probably not considering you aren't 13 any more but you couldn't help but feel like something was going to happen in that lesson that would change everything for you.

When entering the lecture hall you hadn't expected to bump into someone but with your bad luck that seemed to be increasing that day it wasn't surprising, what was surprising though was who you had bumped into.

Matt Smith. The Eleventh Doctor. Almost your favourite but admittedly you preferred 10.

He smiled as you blushed in embarrassment. "Sorry, wasn't watching where I was going." you say hurriedly, making yourself sound as much of an idiot as you felt. Matt just shook his head and moved to the side.

"It's fine, I wasn't watching either." you gave him a quick nod before carefully moving past him to find a seat in the hall that was just a little too big. Half of the chairs were empty and half of the chairs that were filled were occupied by bags.

You sat close to the front, almost directly infront of the Professors desk and opposite to the halls door.

The room falls silent as the professor walks in, behind him was Matt Smith. Why he was here you didn't know but if he saw you again you might die of embarrassment, only you could almost knock and actor on his ass.

He cleared his throat at the front of the class to gain everyones attention.

"Today is going to be a little bit different, I won't be showing you yet another slide show. Instead I have a guest, some of you might know him but for those of you who don't , this is Matt Smith ." the professors says with a smile. He gestures for Matt to step forward and do whatever he came here to do.

"Hello, like Mr Davies said, I will be talking to you today." Matt paused as he caught a glimpse of you, he smiled. "I have been asked to give you some sort of inspiration, a reason to continue this course which I took."

He pauses again and studies the crowd, for once the whole room was silent and they were all watching the man at the front intently. You roll your eyes at all the girl who were thinking about trying to get in his pants, you knew fine well that half of them didn't know who he is nor what he was, but the girls here were horny animals waiting to pounce on every guy with money.

"I didn't pursue a career in creative writing, I could of but I chose not. Although if I wanted to I could still do so much with this degree that you are working towards," he looks at you again. He starts to continue but is caught off guard by a familiar noise, your head snaps up and you look towards the actor infront of you. He looked puzzled as he made his way towards the entrance to the hall. You stood up from you seat, following Matt as he made his way towards the source of the noise.

He came to stop in the reception his eyes wide, you stopped just behind him, mouth agape.

"So, you take your props everywhere or are we both going a little crazy." you say with a nervous laugh as you take in the blue box infront of you. Matt shook his head as he edged closer, he reaches out his hand, his fingers brushing gently over the door. You stand beside him and pull his hand away from the door, you frown at the man beside you.

You nudge him away from the door and press your ear against it, whatever was happening inside was causing a real commotion. Without thinking you knock on the Tardis door, halting the bangs coming from within.

Footsteps could be heard coming towards the door, you back up a little, your eyes widen as the door is opened.

"Holy shit," you yell in surprise, you jump back, hitting Matt as you did so. The Actor was white as a sheet.

Infront of you stood the iconic blue box that you had watched through a tv screen since you were 5 and in it's door stood the Doctor, the eleventh Doctor to be exact, a twin to the man next to you.

The Doctor look you up and down, a frown on his face as he caught a glimpse of Matt next to you. He steps out of the box, closing it gently behind him, he steps closer until he's infront, of well himself.

"Either i'm standing infront of a very calm slitheen or I have managed to go into an alternate universe," the Doctor states as he circles an even paler Matt. You shake your head and pull Matt away to the side.

"Don't move from here, i'll be back in a tick," you say with a reassuring smile, you turn on your heel, heading back to the reception and apparently the Doctor.

Eleven leans against the Tardis, his tweed jacked ruffled and box tie squint. He watched you with curious eyes, studying you almost, as you make your way to him.

"Now, don't get me wrong, it has been amazing meeting you and all but why the hell are you here. The Doctor is a character in a TV show, the Tardis is a prop. You do not exist in the real world." you ramble, you pace as you try to figure out what the hell is going on.

The Doctor stands up straight and puts his hands on your shoulders.

"I am very much real, see." he points to his face. "I don't exist in this world but I have my own and it is in danger, but i couldn't help but notice a rip between dimension so I'm here to investigate." he says with a smile. You roll your eyes and step away from him.

"The problem for me is that the physics doesn't check out in my head. What makes it worse is the thought that if you're here then what else is, I don't believe for a second that a danger magnet like yourself wasn't followed." you say you a sigh as you rub your eyes . The Doctor couldn't help but smile at your curiosity, you were smart and didn't seem like the panic type. He liked that.

It would come in handy in a few moments when the Daleks burst through the door.

(sorry its not that great but I'm ill and tired) Part 2?

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