First I Love You

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(This doesn't really fit in with other preferences but lets all pretend it does, Ok? cool, thanks)


He was regenerating and there was no way to stop it, tears stained your cheeks as you watched the man you loved start the Tardis.

"You know (y/n), I was fantastic, Rose was fantastic and you were the most fantastic thing to happen to me so far. I know we haven't said it but I love you, I'm sorry you'll have to see me change but please don't leave me when I do. I will still be your Doctor." he says with a small smile as he begins to glow brighter.

You smile back, your eyes once again brimming with tears. "I love you too,"


You sit in your bedroom as you wait for the Doctor to return, he said he had an adventure to go on that had to be done solo. Apparently it was too dangerous and he couldn't bare for you to get hurt.

He had left 3 days ago and usually he'd come back a minute after he left but he hasn't, you were beginning to worry. I mean there was nothing wrong with him, there couldn't be.

You were snapped out of your thoughts by a knock on your, you spring from your seat in your rush to get to the door. You swing it open, revealing your trench coat wearing time lord. He smiles as you jump into his arms.

"God I missed you" you mumble into his shoulder, he holds you closer, burying his face in your hair.

"I missed you to, (y/n). I came to a realisation when I was away." he said shyly, he pulled away slightly, his brown eyes looking down at you with love.

"What was this eye opening realisation then?" you ask with a smile, your arms wrap themselves around his neck and the Doctors around your waist.

"I love you," he said with a smile, you smile up at him. Gently, you press your lips to his, soon you fall in sync.

"I love you to," you whisper against his lips as you pull him into the house by his tie.


The Doctor leaned against the Tardis' console with you pressed against him, his arms wrapped around your waist, holding you as close as possible.

You look up at him, a smile on your lips as he looks down at you with curious green eyes.

"What?" he asks with a smile, his tone playful.

"Im just thinking about how much I love you," you say before snuggling into his chest. You miss the giant smile that broke out on the Doctors face, he holds you tighter and presses a kiss to your head.

"I love you too,"


"(y/n), you are not coming. It's too dangerous." the Doctor groans. You throw your hand up in the air as you glare at the angry man.

"Clara is going, why the hell can't I?" you yell. This wasn't the first time he stopped you from going on an adventure but it was the first time you got angry about it.

"Thats different." he replies bluntly as he leans against the Tardis' console.

"How the hell is this different, there is no difference between me and Clara," you groan as you glumly walked towards him.

"There is." The Doctor turns to face the console, you wrap your around his waist from behind.

"What is it then, this massive difference?" at this point you had given up.

The Doctor sighs, his head dropping in defeat. "I don't love her like I love you."

His words made you freeze, he loved you? He doesn't love anything, you didn't think it was possible. You smile a little against his back.

"Well, I love you too. I'm still going though, no stopping me Doc." you say cheerily, causing the Doctor to sigh once again.

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