Things He Does That Annoy You

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Sometimes when he gets overly excited he'll shout fantastic, now it's not the catchphrase that annoys you, it's his timing. He tends to shout it right next you your ear as your drinking a cup of tea and reading your book, this usually ends up with you having the warm liquid in you lap and soaked into the pages of your freshly opened pages.


He paces a lot and it tends to be loud, you never knew converse could make footsteps sound so heavy or a man so skinny could make his footsteps echo off of thin walls, possibly disturbing people in the room over from the booming his feet brings.


He flirts with everyone, whether it be River, an old friend or a complete random stranger he had met only moments ago. He usually doesn't realise he doing it which just annoys you more, flirting has become such a normal part of his conversations that he just flirts with everyone. Most of the time he forgets how to flirt with you though.


He calls everyone stupid, he acts so high and mighty and it is beginning to become annoying. He'll say it's how he has always been but you know for a fact his past regeneration didn't act like this.

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