Run, Hide And Don't Come Out Until I Die

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-Part 2 of A Handful Of Feathers And A Custard Cream-

"My idiot brother is dead," you snarl, releasing his bow tie from your grip and turning back to the box. You could only hope he wasn't really the Doctor other wise there wasn't going to be a happy family reunion, it would be war between siblings. You's had never got along, always bickering, too different but all too similar at the same time.

"Doctor," whispered the red head, she was Scottish too, ticking almost every cliche for that country all at once. "Who is she?". The room fell silent, no one but you dared to move or make a sound. You hummed a nursery rhyme that was sung to all children back on your home planet, anything that would distract you from the fact that your brother was most likely right behind you.

The 'Doctor' watched as you inspect the box for anything different, not that anything would have changed in the last five minutes. There was left behind and deserted, this place was deserted, nothing could have happened here for over a century and thats the minimum. The repeated question though, is why leave a giant cube in a dark room and under stone henge of all places.

As he adjusts his bow tie he frowns, his eyes slightly glazed over. "That Amy, is my baby sister. The only question is which one." he says sadly but you just laugh and pop your head out from behind the box. He was joking right, it wasn't hard to tell the difference between you and your sister.

"You are joking right, if you are my brother you'd know I am not her." you say calmly, although the anger inside was threatening to bubble over. He just shakes his head and begins to pace the room.

In your brothers defence he thought you had died on Gallifrey, years prior to the time war which was true. Like the master you had been 'resurrected', the only problem for them was you didn't follow their rules and they had brought their most dangerous killer back to the land of the living. You had escaped in your Tardis an hour or so before an explosion had wiped out the planet and the Dalek ships, your family taken with it. To you, he had been dead for years but you had heard stories of a travelling Doctor and his companions, saving every planet they touch. You just didn't want to believe he was alive, especially since he was the reason you had died in the first place, wouldn't of needed to be resurrected if that guy hadn't forgot to tell you there was Daleks right around the corner.

"(Y/N), I know for a fact it's (y/n)." he says as he stops his pacing and looks at you, probably would have been better for him to keep moving because you were about to hit him. After all those years you had finally been brought together, lucky you, note the sarcasm.

If it was possible for looks to kill he'd be beyond hell, you swear steam could have been coming out of your ears, the fire in your eyes as you looked at your brother would make anyone run. It was the same look you got when you faced any threat, the Daleks especially, it meant run, hide and don't come out until I die.

You pull your bottom lip in between your teeth, "You died, everyone died. How are you here?" you snap, the anger evident in your voice, he visibly gulped as he backed up until he was almost behind River.

"I could ask you the same question, you died years before the time war." This new version of the Doctor was more awkward then the last one you had known, although he wasn't scared he acted like he was. Come to think of it the last time you saw the Doctor he was only in his 4 regeneration, handing out jelly babies and wearing scarfs.

You do a little spin and gesture to yourself, "Well I'm right here, can thank the Masters persuasion for that." You step towards your brother and River, "The explosion that killed the Time Lords, what was that?'

He looked down at the floor, guilt and sadness taking over his face, "I had to." You fall to the ground in a heap, your fist pounds against the stone floor, breaking at least a few knuckles and drawing blood out and into the cold open air. Your whole planet, the orange skies and silver trees wiped from existence because of your own brother, if you didn't hate him before you definitely hated him now.

"You bastard!" you scream and jump to your feet, "Professor, if you don't move I'm going to kill you too ." River shakes her head and takes a step forward.

"(y/n), he had no choice. You are a soldier yourself, you know the risks you have to take." Rivers says softly, you shake your head and meet her in the middle.

You point a finger at your brother, "My name is the Advocate not (y/n). I will never forgive you for what you did. Once we figure out what the hells going on here I never want to see you again." you blared as you make your way past River and up the stairs, "Feel free to take a look around."

You slam the door to your Tardis open, the once welcoming yellow glow now a sad blue. It was at times like this you realised how quiet it was inside the infinite ship, the only noise made was the shouts of a lunatic killer, also known as you. It wasn't like you asked to be like that, you were resurrected, takes its toll on people. It was also a family thing, except you got both parts of psycho and the Doctor just didn't.

"Hey, Old Girl. Why are you so blue." you say with a frown as you pull the ships screen infront of your face and place your sonic inside the console to transfer all the data you had collected. The ship hums in response, you shake your head and ignore the continuos noises made by the ship.

"I will not forgive him, he killed everyone." you shout, she hums before falling silent and dimming slightly. You step away from the control console, your mouth agape.

"You knew, why didn't you tell me? I can't believe you. I have bigger problems then arguing with you, roughly 10,000 problems that is. We are going to have a serious talk when I come back though." you mutter as you fetch your sonic back out of the console and run out of the Tardis and towards the closest Roman camp.

It was only a mile or so away so it really didn't take long, especially with all the cardio you seem to do every other day. You push your way through the camp, ignoring all shouts and warnings from the surrounding romans, without thinking you enter what you could only be their captains 'office'.

"Who the hell- Oh (y/n), its good to see you." say the roman, you weren't going to lie, you couldn't remember his name at all. You force a smile and look around, everything was red, typical.

"I need a couple of your men." you say bluntly, the captain looks taken back. He shakes his head and looks away from his map. 

"Why on earth would I do that?" he asks, you sigh, rolling you eyes.

"Because I saved your life once and I have never been repaid, now I need at least 4 minimum." you say as you leave the captain behind to grumble to himself. You look back towards the way you came, the earth was being orbited by so many of your enemies, still you weren't out numbered. This was a usual Sunday.

"(y/n), I mean Advocate." someone shouts, you turn to find River making her way towards you. you sigh and reluctantly go over to her.

On the other side of the camp you could see a group of Romans also making their way over, probably the people you were to take with you. They look like your usual group of killers, all except for one, he didn't even look Roman.

River looks between you and the small group, "Coming back then." she looks over the vast fields until her eyes land back on you, out of the corner of your eye you could see her watching you. You straighten your back and shove your hands in her pockets.

"That Roman there, does he look a little odd to you?" you ask, turning to face her. She sticks out her bottom lip and shakes her head, "Backtrack though, you thought I wasn't coming back. Do you think so little of me River."

She sighs and gestures for you to follow her towards the small group of Romans who seemed to forget where they were going, "I don't but your brother does." You growl, clenched fist shake in your pockets.

The rest of the walk was silent, occasional glance thrown at each other along the way.

"You, come here." the Roman you point at comes forward, "Whats your name?" you enquire.

"Rory." he says nervously. You cock and eyebrow.

"Rory doesn't sound very Roman, sounds more 20th century in my opinion. Anyway, tell your men to follow me." you order and start your journey back to Stone henge.

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