Leaping To You

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He was too late.

Your hand missed his by merely inches, resulting in an inevitable plummet to the cold, hard ground.

The planet was dark, quiet. Ready for mourning with its endless grieving atmosphere.

Fat drops of rain cascade like tears, the sky cries along with the heartbroken man shaking in a tight ball by the cliffs ragged edge.

Bitterly cold air nips at his skin, his trench coat failing in its attempts to shield him from the numbing pain he felt on the inside and out.

Martha watched her friend from beside the Tardis, the ships glow shedding little light on the dim situation at hand.

Sobs racked his body, the oncoming storm now nothing more than a single rain cloud.

(Y/n) (l/n), companion to the Doctor, his eternal muse.

The love of his life.

If only he had been faster, he could have grabbed your hand before...

The thought yanked another sob from his lips, your fall playing over in his head, reminding him of his biggest slip up yet.

Martha places her hand on his shoulder, his sobbing stutters at the contact.

He looks up at his companion, his sad eyes meet hers.

"She's gone," he whimpers, his words no more than an innocent whisper as they tremble out from his lips.

Martha crouches down next to him, "I know you're blaming yourself but you didn't cause this, (y/n) saved you."

The doctors eyes fall back to the edge of the cliff, if he squinted hard enough he was sure he could see the outline of your broken, lifeless body.

Hot tears fall from his tired eyes, staining their paths onto his paled skin, "I should have felt the rock slipping, she shouldn't have been the one to fall."

His companion sighs, her gaze falls to the dark scene in front of them.

Everything was dead, the trees, all life, anyone who stepped on the planet was doomed to the same fate if they stayed too long. They had learned that the hard way.

"If you fell she would have jumped in after you, (y/n) chose to have us mourn her instead of me mourn you both." Martha frowns, the image of her friends terrified eyes frantically meeting hers resting in her mind.

The Doctor nods in acknowledgement but he doesn't move, refusing to leave the spot where your life had ended because of him, "I need to go down there and...get her."

Martha smiles sadly, stands up and holds out a hand. The Doctor takes it, heaving his barely functioning body up and onto tired legs.

Her trudges back to his ship, Martha follows behind him.

"I'm sorry this happened," his companion says, her eyes scanning him for any signs of sadness he had just moments ago but his face was void of emotion, his eyes set on the cliffs edge.

"Me too," he says before taking off towards the cliff edge, leaping into the inevitable.

Leaping to you.

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