Christmas Special Numero Once

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13 X Reader

You and the Doctor had decided that because today was a boring day and no one had any idea of which adventure to go on, that it would be best to have a competition.

This competition was specifically based on ugly Christmas jumper.

So far you were winning with your choice of seventy shades of green and array of elf's, the Doctor on the other hand was choosing jumpers that were ugly but not quite so affective.

"Why are your jumpers so much uglier than mine," the Doctor whines as she searches through her wardrobe for a jumper she had apparently bought on earth during the 24th century.

You laugh, "It's a skill, I always find the ugliest jumpers."

The Doctor huffs, "Well it's not fair, I want the ugliest jumper."

You shake your head and pull out your next jumper, you smile at your soon to be victory.

The Doctor jumps out of her wardrobe, a ginger bread jumper with googly eyes wrapped around her. She frowns as she takes in your flashing jumper, lights of various colours sparkling on your back and front.

The Doctor grumbles, "You win,"

You smile, of course you did, you were the ugly jumper master.

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