12th Doctor X Daughter Reader

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You're the Doctors child and he's overprotective, one day you run off and end up getting kidnapped.

" I'm 120 years old, you can't tell me what to do " You yelled at your dad who leaned against the control panel, his face looked calmer then he felt. You balled your hands into fists and went to march straight past your dad, he grabbed your arm and pulled you infront of him.

" I can and I will, (y/n), " the doctor replied, his voice steady.

You shook your head and pulled away from him. You could feel his eyes watching your every move but that didn't stop you rushing for the Tardis door and running out into a crowd on some random planet.

Your body manoeuvred around the mass of aliens, not one alien looked like the other which was odd. The planet and the people didn't look familiar at all and you had no clue where you were going but that didn't stop you from pushing forward further into the crowd and the unknown.

The Doctor shouted for you in the distance but you didn't turn to him, you couldn't stand to look at him.

You and your father had been having the same argument for 20 years, why couldn't he just trust you. All you wanted was to go out by yourself, just once. The Doctor being his over protective self though, wouldn't allow it.

So now you had decided to just walk away and not look back, at least not yet

You knew he wouldn't leave you behind, he's already lost too much and if he lost his own child then well. It would crush him.

You knew that was why he was so protective but you could take care of yourself and beside out of the two of you you hadn't been the one that had to regenerate multiple times.

You broke out of the crowds of people and entered a small market place. Aliens ran stalls all around you, not one stall sold the same thing. Every stall from a different planet and every alien running them made that clear.

Some were blue with white hair and some were white with blue hair. All of them spoke with a London accent but you knew that was only because of the Tardis.

You looked around, careful to not touch anything or bump into anyone who could become a potential threat but you being you managed to do just that.

You walked straight into what you thought would be an alien but it was just an ordinary human.

They turned, their face angry. "Watch where you're going, kid!" They shouted, their voice deep.

"I think you'll find that compared to me you are the kid," you respond calmly.

"Are you stupid, you look 18 at most," they said angrily, their eyes showing the building impatience.

"Ooh so close, 120. Better luck next time," you chirp, turning on your heels to head down another alleyway full of stalls

"That's impossible. Who are you?" the man asked his voice less angry and more curious.

You stop walking and look over your shoulder to smile.
"A daughter of a time lord but you can call me (y/n)"

The man took this in, a wicked smirk found it's way to his face.

" If that is true then you are one rare being, you'd sell for a high price," the man said, his face as smug as his words.

You look at the man, confusion written all over your face.

Before you could ask what he meant a black bag of sorts was thrown over your head, the darkness was overwhelming. 

You could feel muscular arms snaking around your waist and hoisting you from the ground. You struggled in their grasp, trying anything to set yourself free. You screamed as you writhed in the tight hold of your captor but no matter your efforts you couldn't escape and you knew nobody cared to even attempt to help you. Why did you have to run away, you couldn't do this to your dad. The famous Doctor crushed by losing his longest companion and last family member, he'd be alone. 

You had moved whilst you were deep in thought, you guessed you were in some sort of vehicle due to the sound of some sort of motor. 

With your hands now free you rip off the bag covering your head and jump to your feet, whatever kind of vehicle you were in it as dark. You slammed your hands on to the cold metal framing you in.

You screamed for your father to save you but he couldn't hear you. You had left him and he couldn't save you, not this time.

You fell to the floor, tears streaming down your face. Sobs escaped your lips as you placed your head in your hands, pools of tears began to over flow in the palm of your hand.

Your body shook. Your lips quivered. Your heart rates increased to a million beats per minute.

You screamed for the last time, this one wasn't for help. No, it was one of pain, anger and sadness. This was almost equal to the pain in your fathers eyes when he spoke of Gallifrey, he lost everything that day and today that would happen again.

Suddenly your body lurched forward. Couldn't they have at least warned you that they were going to hit the breaks, aliens were so typical.

" Look, if you're going to sell me as a slave or whatever could you at least hurry up about it. I don't have all day, I've got planets to visit and time to fix. " you grumbled loudly, sounding braver than you felt.

There was no response, just silence except for the vehicles motor. You huff and bang your head gently against the wall.

There was a faint buzzing to your right and the sound of a lock snapping. Your head snapped sideways and tears filled your eyes as the familiar figure stood before you.

You jumped to your feet and rushed to tackle your father into a bear hug.

"I'm so sorry, dad. I-I didn't mean for this t-to hap-pen," you sobbed into you fathers shoulder.

He wrapped his arms around you, burying his face in your hair.

"I know, I forgive you, darling" he whispered. 

You both pulled back, your eyes taking in the sight of your father. His eyes were duller than usual and you swore you saw marks from tears on his cheeks.

He reached up and wiped your tears away before pulling you into another hug, refusing to let you go.

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