First Kiss

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You walk around the Tardis, exploring its endless halls and stairs. Your fingers stroke the walls as you saunter past, earning a soft hum from the ship. 

You'd finally made your way back to the control room but not without making many wrong turns and even getting lost completely.

"(y/n), can you pass me the-" begun the Doctor, you were already handing him what he need before he'd asked.

He smiled up at you and began to do more repairs to the Tardis. You sat in the captains chair and watched him with a small smile, your eyes gaze at the man with nothing other than awe and love. You ponder your thoughts for a minute before finally deciding that you were going to do it.

You stood from your seat and walked over the Doctor to stand over him, slowly you sat down on him. He looked at you, eye brow furrowed. He put down his tools and turned his full attention to you.

"(y/n), what are you doing?" he asks, for once he didn't have the answer or a smart ass comment. You smile at him and lean in. The Doctors breathing hitched as you got closer and closer.

"Something I've wanted to do for a while," you respond as your lips connect with his. It was slow and gentle, his hands rested on your hips and yours on his chest.

When you finally pulled away the Doctor whispered, "Fantastic,"


The Doctor had left his trench coat lying over a railing in the Tardis, you couldn't help grabbing it and slipping it on. You skipped into the control room, looking for your boyfriend didn't take too long. As perusal he was standing at the control panel, his hand subconsciously tapping at buttons.

He heard you enter and looked over to you, a smile made its way to his face as he saw you in his trench coat. You gave him twirl and smiled when you came to a stop infront of him.

"I think it fits perfectly," you say sarcastically as you wave the long sleeves around and made sure to not trip over it, he shook his head and laughed.

"I can see that," he said with a smile, he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you to his chest. 

You wrap your arms around his neck and play with his hair, his eyes gazed at you lovingly as they took in every little detail of your face.

"You're so beautiful," he said as he leant in, you followed his lead and met him half way.

He smiled against your lips as you tangle your fingers into his hair. When you's finally pulled away it was for air, he rested his forehead on yours and smiled once more.


You ran as fast as you could, your legs burned from being pushed to their limit for so long. You rounded a corner and then another, your chaser getting closer and closer.

You see a familiar looking door at the end of the hall and push yourself one last time. You reach out for the handle and yank the door open, you try to shut the door but it's too late. He's in here to.

He tackles you to the bed and pins your arms above your head whilst his legs straddle your waist, his green eyes look at you intensely.

"Where is it?" he asks, his voice deadly serious.

"I don't know what your on about," you respond.

"I guess i'll just have to get it out of you then," he said calmly.

He instantly begun to tickle your sides, erupting a screeching giggle from your lips. You wriggled in his grasp and tried to push him off.

"Doctor, s-stop it," you said through fits of laughter.

He shook his head and continued to tickled your sides, he smiled at you as you attempted to escape his grasp.

"Wheres my fez?" he asks as he stops tickling you. You have a cheeky smile on you face as you think of what to say.

"If you want it, you have to give me something. Anything, you choose," you say with a smirk. The Doctor thought for a moment before a matching smirk appeared on his face, he leaned in and placed a chaste kiss on your lips. You were at a loss for words, a small smile rested on your lips as you looked at the man infront of you.

"It's- uh it's in the kitchen," you stuttered, the doctor smiled at your flustered state as he hopped up from the bed and sauntered down the hall to were the kitchen was.


The Doctor didn't like hugs or affection so having a relationship with him was hard. You liked to uses this to your advantage though, it was easy to tease him.

Sometimes you'd hug him from behind just so you could hear his little grumble that made you giggle but tonight you were going to take it one step further.

You changed into you pyjamas and skipped happily into the control room, the Doctor was doing god knows what as he leaned against the control panel.

You stood infront of him a smile on your face as you waited for him to look up from his latest interest.

"If you are here to hug me I swear," he grumbled as he met your eyes.

You had a cheeky grin on your face and you quickly leaned forward and pecked his lips, you turned and casually walked off to bed.

"Night, Doc." you say in a singsong voice.

The Doctor couldn't help but smile a little as he watched you walk off.

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