10 X Reader

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Request- anonymous

( really short )

You lie on your bed, pained groans escaping your lips as you try to ignore the queasy feeling in your stomach. Shakily you pull yourself to your feet and make your way to the bathroom, stumbling the whole way there. 

You sit next to the toilet, waiting for the queasiness to pass or just make you be sick already. Sweat laced your forehead and dampened your palms, a pounding sounded in your head, fevers cruelly caressed your body.

The Doctor called your name from the control room, you didn't respond which caused him to worry, without hesitation he ran to your room. He slammed your door open, his eyes scanning your room for any sign of you, his girlfriend. A groaning called him to your bathroom, his eyes were wide with worry when he saw your pale, tired face and pained body.

"(y/n), whats wrong?" he asks as he slides down the wall to sit next to you, pulling you close with his arm around your waist. You rest your head on his shoulder, snuggling into his warmth.

"I feel crap," you respond as another wave of nausea hits you, your face scrunches up in pain. The Doctor nods in acknowledgment before standing up and picking you up bridal style, he carries you to your bed and wraps you up in your favourite (f/c) blanket. He kicks his shoes off and climbs in next to you, pulling you flush against his chest and resting his hand on your stomach. Gently he rubs small circles on your stomach. You lean into his touch, a smile on your face for the first time in hours. 

Your eyes flutter, heavy with sleep. With a sigh you whisper, "I love you,".

"I love you too, (y/n)" the Doctor whispers back.

(sorry this is really short and not that great but I'm currently getting ready for going back to school)

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