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This was a fresh start. It was something new. Sort of. You still live in the same old town, in the same house, and nothing life changing happened. That could be sort of a lie too. You're going to finally be starting high school. That's pretty big news since you'll be a tenth grader at one of the best schools in your city. It was known for holding only the smartest young minds. Now you weren't a genius and the school definitely wasn't the best out there. All you had to do was study like your life depended on it, cram everything into your brain, and pass the entrance exam. It was one of the hardest things you had to do yet you were able to accomplish it.

When you got accepted, your parents were so proud of you. They believed you were a shining student with high hopes and goals. That wasn't really the case. The main reason you tried so hard to get into this school instead of the regular one most teens go to was because you were sick of your old friends. They were bad influences. They didn't care about you anyway. All they cared about was being popular which was pointless. This was the most natural way to get rid of them. Plus, you wanted to surround yourself amongst people who were actually worth your time. You're just so tired of dealing with fake people with no dreams. None of them had a passion, but it's not like you were one to talk either.

It wasn't clear what you wanted to become when you were older. The most you knew was that this school would open you up to a lot of opportunities. It was a good start. It was a goal that you accomplished so you were automatically doing more than all your old friends. You went to orientation and you couldn't recognize anyone. They were all news faces which was so exciting. The only real problem was that these people were actually smart. Compared to them, you would have to try a hundred times harder to keep up. Hopefully, you didn't make a mistake.

This was for the best anyway. You wanted to become someone in life. For now, you'll start out small as a student at Sehwang Academy. An academy for the minds of the future. Most of the students who went here were from the private middle school. You only came from the public one. You bet there were others who didn't come from the private school, but it's not like you'll be able to pick them out randomly in the crowd. Either way, you were ready to make some new friends. Maybe you'll find your passion here whatever that might be.

You set down the lint roller for the fifth time. Is your uniform clean? You bit your lip, scanning the navy-blue outfit. It looks clean. You've already spent way too much time using the lint roller. Did it even actually help? There's no time to worry about your uniform! This was as good as it was going to get. Grabbing your school bag, you rushed out the door all the way to the bus stop. The bus driver was almost ready to drive off until he heard you screaming. It was the first day of school, so you didn't want to be late. The bus driver luckily waited for you and you were so grateful. Stepping onto the bus, you swiped your bus pass and took a seat.

It almost felt like a dream the entire bus ride over. An elder woman noticed your uniform right away. She complimented it and you felt a bit embarrassed. She already thought so highly of you. Luckily, the conversation was kept short. Any longer and you knew she would be disappointed. You're smart when you work for it. Other than that, you're slightly above average. Most subjects were pretty easy and only involved memorization. The only subject that was a monster to learn for the entrance exam was math. The school's math and science portion on the entrance exam had questions that wanted to immediately pluck off the weak. How you passed is still a mystery.

Though you did hear during orientation that one student this year was able to achieve a perfect score. No one has ever done that before so that was intimidating to hear. Getting off the bus, you rushed up the giant hill the school sat on top of. It wasn't until you passed the gates that slowed down your pace. Everyone around you was walking at a calm pace. They were all serious and had a certain air around them. It was hard to decide whether you wanted to fit in or not. As long as you get a true, genuine friend. The other worry on your mind was passing your classes. Letting out a light sigh, you enter the main building with a bunch of nerves.

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