Convenience Store Run

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(Left to Right: Hyunwoo, Hyunwook, Hyunoh, Hyunho)


You're going to take care of the boys. That's what you officially decided on. Ms. Jung told you to take care of Hoseok, but you feel it's in your best interest to look out for Yoongi and Namjoon as well. Technically, you already take care of Yoongi. Your biggest responsibility with him is mainly feeding him. Yoongi completely ignores you when you tell him to sleep well. Then there was Namjoon who one wouldn't think would need much help. He's the class president, incredibly intelligent, and basically the source of Sehwang's ego. Except that Namjoon in reality is very clumsy and can't always figure out the emotional side of life.

Not saying that Namjoon is only a logical thinker. He feels too, but sometimes focuses on his emotions only. That's what led to his old fights with Taehyung. Luckily, you've helped him mend that relationship. Taehyung and him no longer fight. They seem closer than ever before. The square grinned boy is very happy about that. The only time he has slight regrets are when Namjoon let's his protective side come out more freely. Yesterday was the prime example. It took forever for Taehyung to leave Namjoon's lung crushing hug. You chuckled at the memory as you stared at the boys in front of you.

The four of you were seated in Mr. Kim's class as usual. It felt so weird to call him that now. All of you could agree that it was more comfortable calling him by his first name. He really hated it when you guys did it at school though. At the moment, Mr. Kim had handed out a fairly thick review textbook to study for the standardized testing the school went through. Just the sight of it made you feel dizzy. Hoseok wasn't too happy about it either. Yoongi wanted to throw it out the window, but Mr. Kim left Namjoon in charge to make sure Yoongi didn't. Speaking of Namjoon, the president wasn't stressing over the testing like you thought he would be. He only had a bad itch to write lyrics and work on the song for the final round of the contest.

"I finished writing on a majority of the lyrics." Yoongi's eyes travelled to meet Hoseok's. "You think you can start working on yours?"

"Yeah, I'll get right on it. Just send me the demo of the song and the lyrics you got so far." Hoseok nodded.

"Sure, I'll send it to you right now." Yoongi picked up his phone. He licked his bottom lip as he searched for the final song. He typed quickly on his phone, ignoring the gaze Namjoon was giving him.

"You...You think you can send it to me too?" Namjoon asked.


"What? Why not!? I need to write my rap part!" Namjoon frowned. "How am I able to write lyrics if I don't know what it sounds like?"

"I'll send you the stuff later when you're ready for it." Yoongi sighed, setting his phone face down on the table. "Right now you're still obsessed with making the best song ever."

"Not anymore! I've learned from my mistakes. Right, (F/n)?" Namjoon looked at you desperately.

"Don't look at me." You didn't want to be a part of their argument. Namjoon groaned while his two friends snickered at his pain.

"I'm the leader! This is ridiculous!" Namjoon huffed.

"Dude, don't mention that so loudly. Seokjin is starting to look at us," Hoseok whispered. The four of you glanced back to the front of the classroom. Exactly like Hoseok had said, Mr. Kim was looking over at you guys. His head had perked up in interest. Though he was trying to casually correct papers, his little glances at you guys were so noticeable. He wants you guys to refer to him as Mr. Kim here at school, but he acts so much like the Seokjin you guys know. His professionalism easily wavers when it comes to you four.

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