Our Dongsaengs

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You were bored over at your place. There was nothing to do and no one to talk to. It was lonely and you're growing a little sick of that. So you started texting your friends right away on the group chat. Were any of them willing to hang out today? Yoongi was the first one to respond. He said he was free and willing to leave the house. Before you could make a comment about him being grounded, he put an annoyed face and stated that Mr. Yoo convinced his mom to go easy on him. He felt like Mr. Yoo was still trying to buy his affection in a way.

Well, if he's free then you want to hang out with him already. Namjoon then sent a text while you were in the middle of typing. You were surprised when he said that Hoseok had already barged into his place without notice. They were hanging out without you? Without hesitation, you texted that you would be over in a minute. You could already hear Yoongi sighing at your actions. Though he didn't say anything else, you knew you would be seeing him over there too. Grabbing your jacket, you rush down to your front door to put on your shoes. The four of you always seemed to hang out every day. And you didn't see yourself growing sick of it any time soon.

To get to Namjoon's house, you took a short bus ride over. You felt too lazy to walk. For the entire night you were with Hoseok and Jimin, you were standing up. It was a fun experience and you even danced a teeny bit yourself. Except now your legs were not a huge fan of your past choices. At least you finally got to see what Hoseok is capable of. Jimin even demonstrated his talent. He showed you what he learns in class versus the things he's learned from Hoseok and watching videos. Once people saw Jimin's enthusiasm to learn more about dancing hip-hop, tons of them were trying to teach him new things. Jimin never looked happier.

Then there was that contest that Jimin mentioned. For the rest of the night, it looked like Hoseok had something on his mind. You bet it was that with the way he was looking off into space. You'll probably talk to him about it when you get to Namjoon's house. The bus left you a couple blocks away from his place. It was still nearby so walking over wasn't too awful for your legs. They were also partly sore for some of the things Jimin tried teaching you. Every move he taught you, he always had to correctly position your body. Saying things like 'remember to tuck your butt in, keep your hips turned out, straighten your posture, keep your head up, don't sickle your feet that looks ugly!' and the amount of times he yelled 'point your feet' made you feel guilty.

What you've learned from that was that dance was hard in general. Sitting down was pretty neat. That's probably why you're good friends with Yoongi. He does prefer lying down over sitting if you were being honest. You giggled to yourself as you arrived at the front of Namjoon's house. There was a car in the driveway too which caused you to raise a brow. Were his parents home? Knocking on the door, it was quickly opened by Namjoon. He stepped to the side to let you in as he chuckled awkwardly. He apologized for the mess, saying that he didn't expect visitors today.

"That's fine. I don't mind." You took off your shoes. "Whose car is that by the way?"

"Uh...someone Hoseok insisted to have stay." Namjoon sighed heavily. "Don't freak out. They're in the living room watching—"

"I should be center!!" Jimin's voice shouted.

"Why you!?" Jungkook's voice huffed. Namjoon rubbed his face in frustration, letting you know that this has been going on for a while. You could already hear Hoseok trying to calm them down. His way to settle things was by making Taehyung center. You shook your head at the way those two were behaving. As you walked closer to the living room, Taehyung's snickers became louder. The young children were outside in the backyard with Hoseok teaching them some new choreography he came up with. They were already in position and slowly running through it with counts. The second you stepped into the living room, you heard the voice from the person who owned the car.

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