Bus Ride

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It's a bit of a struggle trying to find Yoongi. You really wanted to find him this castle of a school. He was someone you could see yourself befriending. The only problem was if he wanted to become friends with you in return. He didn't appear interested in anything this school had to offer. Though you had a lot of questions about him, you threw them all out the window. You just want to get to know him first. Have someone to eat with at lunch. Have a set partner any time Mr. Kim requires partner work. There was no luck the entire time.

Lunch arrived sooner than you thought it would. Yoongi had almost completely vanished from the school. It looks like you'll have to eat alone after all. Eating by yourself isn't too bad. The only reason it kind of sucks is because you like to talk a lot. When you got your lunch, a majority of the cafeteria was filled. All the tables had been taken by students and their group of friends. The only place that didn't have people sitting there were the large windowsills on one side of the cafeteria. It had a nice view of the school's field.

As you made your way over to the windowsill, a grape flew right by your nose. It took you a second to process what just happened? Are people seriously throwing food? You looked at the ground to confirm that it was a green grape. A sigh left your lips in frustration. The only thing stopping you from getting too angry was the fact that it didn't even hit you. It barely grazed your nose. Turning your head in the direction the grape came from, you made eye contact with Jung Hoseok. He stared at you with a smile while his friends stifled back their laughter.

"Hey there. Want to sit with us?" Hoseok waved his hand.

"Sit with you?" You repeated as your eye twitched.

"Yeah. I mean, why not?" Hoseok pushed the guy next to him. "Right here."

"Not a chance." You ignored any further attempts from him.

That guy really left a bad impression on you. He thinks you might want to sit with him? You'd rather sit alone for the rest of the year. Hoseok has so far been a continuous bother. You have no idea why he got you so angry. Maybe because he came from your old school. It felt like he was just a fake popular guy. He might be smart, but smart enough to pass the entrance exam? A part of you didn't buy it. You sat down at a windowsill to eat your food. You ate at a slow pace in hopes of not having any left over time to waste by staring out the window.

Plucking a grape off from its tiny clump, you put it in your mouth to see someone else take the windowsill right next to you. They were alone as well. You peeked at them as carefully as you could. Getting caught for staring is an embarrassing mistake you've made already. It was almost impossible not to be obvious about it. The tall male ripped the straw off his juice box before poking it in. The sight made you want to giggle. Despite the serious look on his face and his height, he looked like a child as he drank his juice box. Namjoon sat in the windowsill next to you, swinging his feet back and forth.

Maybe you should talk to him. That might ruin your chances of making friends with Yoongi though. The two didn't get along from the short interaction you witnessed. Still, you didn't care too much. You wanted a friend. Namjoon pulled out a notebook from his backpack which made you pause. Is he working on something? He had a pencil in his hands as he scribbled into the notebook. All his focus was on the green notebook that he didn't even realize the juice box was empty. You didn't want to interrupt whatever he was doing so you leaned back against the window. Well, you were about to try. That's pretty good effort on your part.

Shoving another grape in your mouth, you look out the window to see a boy with wine colored hair. He was walking down by the field with his earphones in. He looked so lost in the music and you almost choked on your grape. Yoongi! Standing up from your spot, you ran out of the cafeteria to go find him. What was he doing out there? He did realize it was lunch, right? He should be eating food! Running down the long set of stairs, you pushed open the door to arrive to the same spot you had last seen Yoongi at. He was gone. He was just here a second ago. You could have sworn you had seen him right here from the cafeteria window.

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