Pep Talk

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Yoongi was scrolling through his phone next to you. The two of you had arrived at Midnight Measure on an open mic night. There would be no battles and people were just allowed to perform whatever they wanted. People were performing and there was a bit of a list. Yoongi was looking at his lyrics and plugged in his earphones. His fanboys could tell he was nervous about performing this new song he had been working on. You saw it in the way Yoongi bit his lip, shaking his leg as the song played in his ears. The fanboys haven't heard it and neither have you.

Junsuh sat on a stool across from you, playing with his lip ring. Jaegyu was off flirting with a couple of girls. Then Jinyo kept his eyes on Yoongi. They were wide, excited to see what Yoongi was going to do. There wasn't much going on though and you were getting bored. The only thing you could really do here was listen to the music. Currently, someone was going up to the mic. They wore a large white oversized hoodie with a red baseball cap. You couldn't really see much of them with the crowd in front of you. It didn't matter too much since you could still hear the rapper. He had a deep voice that you took a liking to. Even Junsuh stopped playing with his lip ring.

He looked over at you since you were the only one paying attention. This new rapper had impressive vocabulary. It wasn't really something you would expect. Not to mention, all the metaphors this rapper wrote. Junsuh was beginning to smile which he didn't do often. He really liked the play on words that this rapper was capable of. At this point, Junsuh was tapping Jinyo to listen. Jinyo groaned and was not interested. Yoongi sighed, looking up to see Junsuh silently showing enthusiasm towards a performance. Yoongi furrowed his brows and took out his earbuds.

"Is this a new rapper?" Yoongi asked.

"I've never heard him before." You moved your body to his flow. He was really good.

"He's not new. He shows up on the occasion though." Jaegyu came by with a smirk.

"Ew, don't come to us with hickeys on your neck." Jinyo grimaced.

"Listen." Junsuh growled. The two shut up to hear the rapper finish his performance. The crowd was starting to get incredibly hyped as the night continued. Especially with all the alcohol they were drinking. People were so loud that you couldn't hear the MC introduce the next rapper. Junsuh stood up from his stool, walking away to the backroom.

"Where's he going?" You asked.

"Probably to go talk to that rapper." Jinyo shrugged. He returned his attention to Yoongi. "I already found my favorite rapper."

"Hyung, you're weird." Yoongi laughed.

"I'm supportive!"

"We're supportive! This is a group effort!" Jaegyu huffed.

Jinyo rolled his eyes but immediately screamed he was joking when Jaegyu tried to choke him. He probably shouldn't make the muscle of their group angry. Yoongi shook his head, chuckling at the fact that his biggest fanboy almost died. Jinyo was left looking like a sad baby when Jaegyu let him go with a warning. He didn't expect Yoongi to laugh at his near death experience. Junsuh then came back, not interested in hearing the story of how Jinyo almost got himself killed. They were all very close friends. You could tell by the way they interacted so naturally around each other. You were surprised though with how quick Junsuh came back. You would have assumed that talking to the other rapper would have taken longer.

Junsuh only mumbled that he had a short conversation with the guy. He only had time to perform one song and had to leave. Junsuh still had a small smile on his face. Even with the short exchange, the other rapper was apparently very kind. Yoongi got up, muttering that he had to go to the bathroom. He left and disappeared into the crowd. You had a tiny frown and Jinyo automatically believed you were heartbroken to be separated from Yoongi. It wasn't that. You were just worried since Yoongi was bottling his emotions and contemplating to tell you.

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