|| Author's Note ||

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(A/n: Hello, this is an edit made in November of 2022. All I wanted to say was that unfortunately D-Crunch disbanded, but I am very grateful for the time I did have with them and will continue to support them in whatever they choose to do. It's sad although I'm glad I got to share and talk about them more through this story.)

We have finally reached the end of A Passion Beyond Labels! I can't believe it if I'm being honest. This is my third story and I'm just in shock that I'm actually completing my to-write list and just accomplishing my goals. I never thought I would be able to write this much. Seriously, I never thought I would be capable of the word count that my BTS related stories have. It's still super crazy to me but it makes me so happy. I'm really proud of myself since I feel like my writing has come a long way! Then it just makes me super happy to have you guys sticking around and reading all my works and telling me you'll stick around for my next one even though there's a long wait for it.

For the new people here who aren't aware of my writing process, I like to prewrite half of the story. 30-35 chapters before I finally post the first chapter. That way I can have regular updates and eventually I update every day. That's how I'm able to keep up easily with less stress on my part and for more enjoyment on yours. The thing with this method though is that once I finish a story, it takes me a couple months to prepare the chapters for my next story. It's easier in the summer, but I'm back in school now which takes my time away. I still try my hardest to keep up with my writing. I write at school, even using the school computers when I can lol.

I'm planning on doing a solo member x reader next. It won't be a BTS x Reader so I don't know if you'll stick around to read that if he's not your bias. I hope you do anyway for the storytelling and for the member. We love all seven but I get it if you pass on the solo x reader's that I'll be writing. I have my to-write list on my website which you guys should check out. The link is down in my bio I'm pretty sure. Not much happens there but it's worth checking out since you might see a new story added to the to-write list one day. Plus, not gonna lie...I do state stuff on there that I don't say on wattpad or quotev. Then I also suggest following me on instagram @ _dina_soar because it can get chaotic. I will do a live on the occasion and then I say stuff like "want me to double update? Wanna know a secret about this story? Ask me question about a story and I won't hold back" and yeah. I basically have no filter on instagram and you'll be able to figure out things. I have trouble keeping secrets to myself when it comes to my writing and the people who follow me on there have learned that very quickly lmao.

Another thing I noticed with instagram is how many of you feel more comfortable messaging me privately there. I don't know if wattpad/quotev is intimidating, but I've gotten to talk to a good handful of you and it makes me so happy. I feel like I've gotten closer to you guys where we're just yelling at each other about dumb stuff, about my chapters, or other things. There's a couple people who come to mind when I think about instagram dms but I guess I won't flat out state who for privacy reasons. I don't know. Maybe you guys message me on there because your username isn't the same on wattpad and it makes you less anxious?? Whatever it is, I'll respect it!

Aside from instagram, I want to get down to business and talk about things when it came to the story!! The amount of times I rewrote certain scenes in the beginning drove me crazy! I was just struggling in the beginning for some reason but I eventually got over it. Next, the rap battle. We just have to talk about the rap battle that occured between Yoongi and Namjoon. For one thing...THEY TOOK ME FOREVER. Literally, writing the chapter was going smoothly and then I had to take almost half an hour just writing those dang lyrics and hoping they were decent. Since they took me so long, I was proud of them especially with how they ended. I prefer Namjoon's rap though ;;w;; either way, I'm so thrilled you guys hyped it up and were losing it in the comment sections. That made me feel so much better since I thought at least one person would be like "this is cRAP" owo that didn't happen or hasn't happened yet. But I'm working on that self esteem of mine uwu I worked hard on that and we're going to have to deal with that rap so tough to anyone who didn't like it.

A Passion Beyond Labels || BTS Rap Line x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now