Never For Granted

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Hoseok Bonus Ending

By the time the party was coming to an end, it was almost midnight. Seokjin, Jungkook, and Ms. Jeon were the first to leave. After them were the fanboys who had work tomorrow. The Park family were next and Yoongi's family followed. It's wasn't long before your parents were calling it a night. Mom and Dad said goodbye to the Kim brothers as they walked outside. The only person left at the party was Hoseok. The boy yawned, bringing his goodie bag close to his chest. Was he planning on staying over at Namjoon's house? You were automatically worried. It's midnight so he can't go walking all the way to his house. That's not safe. Especially with him so tired.

It didn't look like Hoseok was staying over. He pet Taehyung, telling the tired puppy to sleep well. Namjoon hugged you before you walked out of the house. Your suspicions were still running high. Hoseok isn't actually going to walk home in the middle of night, is he? Mom was already waiting for you inside her car. The car was rumbling, waiting for you to get inside already. Dad was seated in the passenger's seat. He stared at the window in confusion. You weren't getting inside the car. Instead you were standing on Namjoon's front lawn, staring at the front door. You were slowly inching towards Mom's car until Hoseok stepped out of the house. The door closed behind him and you shook your head right away.

"What are you doing?" You walked up to him with a frown. Hoseok cocked up a brow at you, rubbing to the back of his head.

"I'm going home, Babe." Hoseok chuckled sleepily. "I'm just ready to crash, but I'll see you later. Okay?"

"What?" You glared at him.

"I want to hang out during spring break." Hoseok grinned, walking away from you. He made his way onto the sidewalk, but he's an idiot if he thinks you'll let him walk home. He shoved his hands in his pockets as he took a couple steps away from Namjoon's house. Pursing your lips, you ran to grab his arm. You're going to drag him in your parent's car whether he likes it or not! Hoseok looked at you in shock, panicking as his balance was thrown off. "Where are you taking me!?"

"Home!" You opened the backseat door and shoved him inside. Hoseok fell on his side while you took the open seat he wasn't lying on. Closing the door, you gave your Mom a smile while your Dad looked at Hoseok curiously with a lollipop in his mouth. "Eomma?"

"On it." Mom locked the car doors. Hoseok sat up in alarm, questioning what the Cha family's intentions were. Mom looked at Hoseok through the rearview, smiling at his startled expression. "Where do you live, Sweetie?"

"O-Oh!" Hoseok blushed. At least he knew you weren't kidnapping him anymore. You giggled as he told her his address. Hoseok relaxed in the backseat, putting on his seatbelt once you reminded him. It was cute watching him fumble around in his seat. He was so nervous for some reason. Dad stared at the boy, accidentally making eye contact with him. It looked like someone else was more scared than Hoseok though. Dad tensed up and kept his eyes straight on the road, focusing on his candy again. Hoseok turned to you and you patted his shoulder. He had no need to worry.

You talked to Hoseok like normal and that helped him grow comfortable in your parent's car. Soon he didn't care as the two of you talked like you were in your own world together. Talking about the contest, school, and you reminding the boy to take care of himself. Hoseok laughed at the care you gave him, but greatly appreciated it. He was surprisingly affectionate with you despite your parents being in the car. He hugged you and ruffled your hair like he always did. That punk! But you couldn't stop smiling when you were playing around with him. When the car slowed down, you felt yourself getting sad. Mom stopped the car in front of Hoseok's house.

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