Nothing But A Label

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You never found out what you missed while you were in the bathroom. Namjoon went straight into tutoring mode. He refused to let anyone get distracted this time. He made sure all of you were on task. Hoseok was stiff, sucking in his lips most of the time. It looked like he was trying so hard not to speak. He didn't want to cause any issues while you were left in the dark. Then Yoongi listened to Namjoon's instructions but was very slow in doing his work. He's not usually like that when it comes to the sessions. Then again, there was a strange feeling that day.

There was heavy tension in the air that made it almost hard to breathe peacefully. Sitting in the same place as them felt so suffocating. Hoseok and you struggled to look up from your notebooks. Even when the children arrived, they sensed something was off. Taehyung announced his arrival and ushered the two to go up to his room. In hushed whispers, he told them not to bother their hyungs. So they felt it too? The tutoring session was completely silent and Yoongi was the first to go. Though the tension was starting to lift by then, Hoseok and you didn't want to stay a moment longer. It was so draining that you just wanted to go home.

With all that time to cool down, think, and would have expected the tension to die down. It was the exact opposite. Namjoon and Yoongi were blatantly glaring right in front of you. They growled and bumped shoulders. Hoseok gave you a worried look, unsure if anything he said would be able to fix anything. The worst part of it all was the fact that they tried to act like nothing was wrong to you. They said they were fine and everything was all good. Yet despite them saying it was 'all good' they look like they want to kill each other. The tension was suffocating you again as they crowded you around your desk. Since everything was 'all good', they tried being next to each other as if they were friends. They would never even do that in the past!

"I hope you studied hard for the test today," Namjoon said in a condescending tone. He gave a dimpled smile to the boy with red wine hair. Yoongi hummed his response, holding back the swears he wanted to scream.

"You don't have to worry about me. I studied so hard last night, I feel like I could take first in the class," Yoongi competitively replied. Namjoon's smile almost fell hearing that. He wanted to grab Yoongi by his jacket and tell him that he could only achieve that in his dreams. But Namjoon knew better than to act like that.

"Oh, now don't get too cocky." Namjoon warned, his eyes growing dark. "That never ends well."

"Nothing wrong with confidence." Yoongi practically puffed his chest out to the taller male. At this point, Hoseok snuck his way in between them and chuckled.

"Alright, we get it. You guys have testosterone! And guess what?" Hoseok continued to push them away from one another. "Me too! So sit down."

"I am sitting!" Yoongi let his body fall into his seat.

"Yoongi..." You frowned. The delinquent then mimicked that he was zipping his lips. He wasn't starting any fights. Clearly he was putting the blame on Namjoon who chewed on his thick lips. He sighed, marching over to his seat that was all the way in the front. Hoseok looked at you with a weak smile. The two of you were trying to keep some sort of balance. Things were falling apart right before your eyes. It was almost maddening. You leave the room for one second during tutoring and then you come back to see them close to cutting each other's throats. Hoseok left to take his own seat as the bell rang.

Mr. Kim started the class, reminding everyone of the test. He gave everyone about five minutes to prepare before he handed out the tests. Normally, you use those five minutes like your life depends on it. Anything to make sure you get a passing grade on the test. Except this time you find yourself lost in your thoughts. Your mind is stuck on trying to figure out what went wrong. Why can't those two get along? It was all you could think about that you ended up using all your studying time. Mr. Kim came by your desk, placing down the test with a small smile.

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