First Round

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(D-Crunch's song is I'm Okay, skip to 13:07 mark)


"Get up!" You were standing in the living room with your phone held high up in the air. The boys all groaned as you raised the volume higher. Currently, your phone was blaring its alarm and screaming at them to wake up. None of them looked like they wanted to comply. It was five in the morning and you understood the fact that they wanted to sleep in longer. It was a Saturday and you're sure their sleeping bags are a hundred times warmer than the cool air you were standing in. That didn't matter. "Up and at 'em, Boys!"

Placing your foot on Yoongi's back, you tried shaking him. Yoongi was beginning to hiss at the movement. Hopefully he gets the memo because you're too nervous to keep messing with the tiger. Namjoon was the first to get up, rubbing his eyes and sitting for a minute. Hoseok lifted up next with a tired expression. That's when a brilliant idea popped in your head. Rushing to the blinds, you open them up to let the sunlight enter. The boys all began groaning even though there wasn't that much sunlight to begin with. It was still a bit too early in the morning. Seokjin got up, muttering at the younger ones to start waking up already.

Jungkook huffed as he sat up. He wanted to do the contest but wanted five more minutes of sleep. Jimin was the same way as he stared at the wall across from him with a blank face. Last but not least, Taehyung remained cocooned in his sleeping bag. Did he not hear you or Seokjin? You walked over to him, bringing your phone closer. The sound of the alarm got the boy to scrunch his face. He shook his head and tried covering his ears. You giggled when he repeated 'noisy' multiple times. That's what you were going for. Namjoon crawled over to Taehyung, pinching the boy's arm. That finally jolted him awake.

"Ah! Why would you do that?" Taehyung whined, faking a sob.

"You're fine." Namjoon stood up, dragging himself over to the bathroom.

"How many bathrooms does this place have?" Hoseok asked.

"Three," Taehyung answered.

"Y'all f*ckers rich." Yoongi chuckled as he stretched his arms.

"We're well off! That's what hyung says." Taehyung smiled.

"Rich," Yoongi repeated, laughing at the way Taehyung pursed his lips. The puppy didn't like his brother's words getting ignored. There wasn't much he could do about it. Yoongi got up to find the second bathroom. That's when Seokjin ran to find the third one, refusing to wait in line for the bathroom. Jungkook bounced up on his feet, shouting for his uncle to share the bathroom. He ran after him and you were left with three. Taehyung slowly got up, walking into the same bathroom his brother was in. Though Namjoon shouted at him, Taehyung instantly told him that they were brothers. He's seen everything at this point.

"Hopefully, Yoongi finishes up quick." Hoseok smiled at you and Jimin. "I'm super excited for today."

"Me too!" Jimin nodded, letting out a tiny yawn. "I'm ready to perform my heart out!"

"You guys are going to do so well!" You clapped your hands. "Do you want me to record you guys?"

"Yes, please!!" Jimin instantly replied. "I want a still camera that won't always move on us."

"That's true," Hoseok said. "It took me a while to learn which cameras are recording, but you just have to find that red dot."

"I was practicing my facial expressions for when I dance. Our song is kind of you think I can't pull that off?" Jimin frowned.

"You're thirteen. You still have a couple years ahead of you, Jiminie." Hoseok ruffled his pink hair. Jimin giggled and took off his hyung's hand. "I'm sure puberty will do you justice. You're my little dongsaeng after all!"

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